
Of food and solid.   May also be referred to as solid food.

Any solid substance (as opposed to liquid) that is used as a source of nourishment; "food and drink".

This concept's ID is @1~40419

Dairy Product

  • cheese 28 facts

    A solid food prepared from the pressed curd of milk.

  • butter 5 facts

    An edible emulsion of fat globules made by churning milk or cream; for cooking and table...

  • yogurt 2 facts

    A custard-like food made from curdled milk.

Also contains

  • meat 24 facts

    The flesh of animals (including fishes and birds and snails) used as food.

  • pasta 21 facts

    Shaped and dried dough made from flour and water and sometimes egg.

  • fish 14 facts

    The flesh of fish used as food; "in Japan most fish is eaten raw"; "after the scare about foot-and-mouth...

  • seafood 11 facts

    Edible fish (broadly including freshwater fish) or shellfish or roe etc.

  • chocolate 10 facts

    A food made from roasted ground cacao beans.

  • loaf 6 facts

    A quantity of food (other than bread) formed in a particular shape; "meat loaf"; "sugar loaf";...

  • convenience food 4 facts

    Any packaged dish or food that can be prepared quickly and easily as by thawing...

  • baked goods 4 facts

    Foods (like breads and cakes and pastries) that are cooked in an oven.

  • produce 3 facts

    Fresh fruits and vegetable grown for the market.

  • breakfast food 2 facts

    Any food (especially cereal) usually served for breakfast.

  • coconut 1 facts

    The edible white meat of a coconut; often shredded for use in e.g. cakes and curries.

  • dika bread 1 facts

    Somewhat astringent paste prepared by grinding and heating seeds of the African wild...

  • health food 0 facts

    Any natural or prepared food popularly believed to promote good health.

  • junk food 0 facts

    Food that tastes good but is high in calories having little nutritional value.

  • slop 0 facts

    (usually plural) weak or watery unappetizing food or drink; "he lived on the thin slops that...

  • fresh food 0 facts

    Food that is not preserved by canning or dehydration or freezing or smoking.

  • leftovers 0 facts

    Food remaining from a previous meal; "he had leftovers for dinner last night".