
Of body part.

A fully differentiated structural and functional unit in an animal that is specialized for some particular function.

This concept's ID is @1~28960


  • sense organ 14 facts

    An organ having nerve endings (in the skin or viscera or eye or ear or nose or mouth)...

  • lobe 9 facts

    (anatomy) a somewhat rounded subdivision of a bodily organ or part; "ear lobe".

  • internal organ 8 facts

    A main organ that is situated inside the body.

  • wing 7 facts

    A movable organ for flying (one of a pair).

  • organelle 7 facts

    A specialized part of a cell; analogous to an organ; "the first organelle to be identified...

  • reproductive organ 5 facts

    Any organ involved in sexual reproduction.

  • gland 5 facts

    Any of various organs that synthesize substances needed by the body and release it through...

  • speech organ 3 facts

    Any of the organs involved in speech production.

  • erectile organ 3 facts

    An organ containing erectile tissue.

  • end organ 2 facts

    A specialized structure at the peripheral end of some motor or sensory nerve fibers.

  • lens 2 facts

    Biconvex transparent body situated behind the iris in the eye; its role (along with the cornea)...

  • external organ 2 facts

    An organ that is situated on or near the surface of the body.

  • foot 1 facts

    Any of various organs of locomotion or attachment in invertebrates.

  • sucker 1 facts

    An organ specialized for sucking nourishment or for adhering to objects by suction.

  • stinger 1 facts

    A sharp organ of offense or defense (as of a wasp or stingray or scorpion) often connected...

  • clapper 1 facts

    A mobile mass of muscular tissue covered with mucous membrane and located in the oral c...

  • contractile organ 1 facts

    A bodily organ that contracts.

  • siphon 0 facts

    A tubular organ in an aquatic animal (especially in mollusks) through which water can be...

  • target organ 0 facts

    (radiology) organ intended to receive the therapeutic dose of a radioactive substa...

  • ovipositor 0 facts

    Egg-laying tubular structure at the end of the abdomen in many female insects and some...

  • primordium 0 facts

    An organ in its earliest stage of development; the foundation for subsequent develop...

  • vital organ 0 facts

    A bodily organ that is essential for life.

  • effector 0 facts

    An organ (a gland or muscle) that becomes active in response to nerve impulses.

  • ctene 0 facts

    A locomotor organ consisting of a row of strong cilia whose bases are fused.

  • taret organ 0 facts

    (endocrinology) organ most affected by a particular hormone.