Body Part

Of organism and part.

Any part of an organism such as an organ or extremity.

This concept's ID is @1~28559


  • trunk 17 facts

    The body excluding the head and neck and limbs; "they moved their arms and legs and bodie...

  • thorax 11 facts

    The part of the human torso between the neck and the diaphragm or the corresponding part...

  • belly 9 facts

    The region of the body of a vertebrate between the thorax and the pelvis.

  • back 5 facts

    The posterior part of a human (or animal) body from the neck to the end of the spine; "his...

  • shoulder 2 facts

    The part of the body between the neck and the upper arm.

  • hip 1 facts

    Either side of the body below the waist and above the thigh.

  • cheek 1 facts

    Either of the two large fleshy masses of muscular tissue that form the human rump.

  • loins 1 facts

    The region of the hips and groin and lower abdomen.

  • haunch 0 facts

    The hip and buttock and upper thigh in human beings.

  • ass 0 facts

    The fleshy part of the human body that you sit on; "he deserves a good kick in the butt"; "are...


  • lobe 9 facts

    (anatomy) a somewhat rounded subdivision of a bodily organ or part; "ear lobe".

  • articulation 8 facts

    (anatomy) the point of connection between two bones or elements of a skeleton (especially...

  • groove 2 facts

    (anatomy) any furrow or channel on a bodily structure or part.

  • apparatus 1 facts

    (anatomy) a group of body parts that work together to perform a given function; "the breathing...

  • partition 1 facts

    (anatomy) a structure that separates areas in an organism.


  • horseback 0 facts

    The back of a horse.

  • withers 0 facts

    The highest part of the back at the base of the neck of various animals especially draft...

  • gaskin 0 facts

    Lower part of a horse's thigh between the hock and the stifle.


  • hindquarters 1 facts

    The part of an animal that corresponds to the human buttocks.

  • loin 0 facts

    Either side of the backbone between the hipbone and the ribs in humans as well as quadrupe...

  • flank 0 facts

    The side between ribs and hipbone.


  • saddle 0 facts

    Posterior part of the back of a domestic fowl.

  • small 0 facts

    The slender part of the back.


  • shank 1 facts

    The part of the human leg between the knee and the ankle.

  • shin 0 facts

    The front part of the human leg between the knee and the ankle.


  • thorax 1 facts

    Part of an insect's body that bears the wings and legs.

  • mentum 0 facts

    A projection below the mouth of certain mollusks that resembles a chin.

Also contains

  • structure 62 facts

    A particular complex anatomical part of a living thing; "he has good bone structure".

  • process 45 facts

    A natural prolongation or projection from a part of an organism either animal or plant;...

  • organ 25 facts

    A fully differentiated structural and functional unit in an animal that is specialized for...

  • area 22 facts

    A part of an animal that has a special function or is supplied by a given artery or nerve;...

  • system 20 facts

    A group of physiologically or anatomically related organs or parts; "the body has a system...

  • external body part 14 facts

    Any body part visible externally.

  • rectum 2 facts

    The terminal section of the alimentary canal; from the sigmoid flexure to the anus.

  • tissue 2 facts

    Part of an organism consisting of an aggregate of cells having a similar structure and f...

  • cannon 1 facts

    Lower part of the leg extending from the hock to the fetlock in hoofed mammals.

  • underpart 1 facts

    A part lying on the lower side or underneath an animal's body; "the warbler has a white...

  • dorsum 0 facts

    The back of the body of a vertebrate or any analogous surface (as the upper or outer surface...

  • stump 0 facts

    The part of a limb or tooth that remains after the rest is removed.

  • energid 0 facts

    A biological unit consisting of a nucleus and the body of cytoplasm with which it inter...

  • corpus 0 facts

    The main part of an organ or other bodily structure.

  • thorax 0 facts

    The middle region of the body of an arthropod between the head and the abdomen.

  • toe 0 facts

    Forepart of a hoof.

  • adnexa 0 facts

    Accessory or adjoining anatomical parts or appendages to an organ (especially of the embryo);...

  • dilator 0 facts

    A muscle or nerve that dilates or widens a body part.

  • dock 0 facts

    The solid bony part of the tail of an animal as distinguished from the hair.

  • ampulla 0 facts

    The dilated portion of a canal or duct especially of the semicircular canals of the ear.

  • ambulacrum 0 facts

    One of the five areas on the undersurface of an echinoderm on which the tube feet are...

  • fornix 0 facts

    Generally any arch shaped structure (but often it refers to the arched roof of an anatomical...

  • venter 0 facts

    A bulging body part (as the belly of a muscle).

This concept has too many facts and some have been omitted from this Knowledge Card view.