Sense Organ

Of organ and sensory system.   May also be referred to as receptor and sensory receptor.

An organ having nerve endings (in the skin or viscera or eye or ear or nose or mouth) that respond to stimulation.

This concept's ID is @1~28967


  • ear 5 facts

    The sense organ for hearing and equilibrium.

  • organ of hearing 1 facts

    The part of the ear that is responsible for sensations of sound.


  • labyrinth 9 facts

    A complex system of interconnecting cavities; concerned with hearing and equilibrium.

  • semicircular canal 0 facts

    One of three tube loops filled with fluid and in planes nearly at right angles...

Also contains

  • eye 30 facts

    The organ of sight.

  • chemoreceptor 3 facts

    A sensory receptor that responds to chemical stimuli.

  • lateral line 0 facts

    Sense organs of fish and amphibians; believed to detect pressure changes in the wa...

  • third eye 0 facts

    A sensory structure capable of light reception located on the dorsal side of the diencephalon...

  • papilla 0 facts

    A small nipple-shaped protuberance concerned with taste, touch, or smell; "the papillae...

  • stretch receptor 0 facts

    A receptor in a muscle that responds to stretching of the muscle tissue.

  • interoceptor 0 facts

    Any receptor that responds to stimuli inside the body.

  • exteroceptor 0 facts

    Any receptor that responds to stimuli outside the body.

  • baroreceptor 0 facts

    A sensory receptor that responds to pressure.

  • thermoreceptor 0 facts

    A sensory receptor that responds to heat and cold.