
Of asterid dicot family and Polemoniales.   May also be referred to as family Solanaceae and potato family.

Large and economically important family of herbs or shrubs or trees often strongly scented and sometimes narcotic or poisonous; includes the genera Solanum, Atropa, Brugmansia, Capsicum, Datura, Hyoscyamus, Lycopersicon, Nicotiana, Petunia, Physalis, and Solandra.

This concept's ID is @1~64524

Asterid Dicot Genus

  • Solanum 11 facts

    Type genus of the Solanaceae: nightshade; potato; eggplant; bittersweet.

  • genus Capsicum 7 facts

    Chiefly tropical perennial shrubby plants having many-seeded fruits: sweet and hot...

  • genus Nierembergia 3 facts

    Genus of tropical American erect or creeping herbs with solitary flowers.

  • Brugmansia 2 facts

    Includes some plants often placed in the genus Datura: angel's trumpets.

  • Cestrum 2 facts

    Genus of fragrant tropical American shrubs.

  • Hyoscyamus 2 facts

    Genus of poisonous herbs: henbane.

  • Lycium 2 facts

    Deciduous and evergreen shrubs often spiny; cosmopolitan in temperate and subtropical re...

  • Physalis 2 facts

    Ground cherries.

  • Atropa 1 facts


  • genus Browallia 1 facts

    Small genus of tropical South American annuals.

  • Brunfelsia 1 facts

    Genus of tropical American shrubs grown for their flowers followed by fleshy berrylike...

  • Cyphomandra 1 facts

    Tree tomato.

  • Datura 1 facts

    Thorn apple.

  • Fabiana 1 facts

    Genus of South and Central American heathlike evergreen shrubs.

  • Lycopersicon 1 facts


  • Mandragora 1 facts

    A genus of stemless herbs of the family Solanaceae.

  • Nicandra 1 facts

    Sturdy annual of Peru.

  • Nicotiana 1 facts

    American and Asiatic aromatic herbs and shrubs with viscid foliage.

  • genus Petunia 1 facts

    Annual or perennial herbs or shrubs of tropical South America.

  • Salpichroa 1 facts

    Herbs of temperate North and South America: cock's eggs.

  • genus Salpiglossis 1 facts

    Small genus of herbs of the southern Andes having large showy flowers.

  • genus Schizanthus 1 facts

    Chilean herbs with orchid-like flowers.

  • Scopolia 1 facts

    Genus of European perennial herbs yielding medicinal alkaloids.

  • Solandra 1 facts

    Shrubby climbers of tropical America.

  • Streptosolen 1 facts

    One species: marmalade bush.