Asterid Dicot Family

Of dicot family and Asteridae.

Family of more or less advanced dicotyledonous herbs and some trees and shrubs.

This concept's ID is @1~58311


  • Labiatae 51 facts

    A large family of aromatic herbs and shrubs having flowers resembling the lips of a mouth...

  • Solanaceae 25 facts

    Large and economically important family of herbs or shrubs or trees often strongly scented...

  • Scrophulariaceae 16 facts

    A family of dicotyledonous plants of the order Polemoniales; includes figwort and...

  • Gesneriaceae 13 facts

    Large family of tropical herbs or shrubs or lianas; in some classification systems...

  • Bignoniaceae 6 facts

    Trees or shrubs or woody vines or herbs having fruit resembling gourds or capsules...

  • Hydrophyllaceae 6 facts

    Perennial woodland herbs.

  • Verbenaceae 5 facts

    Family of New World tropical and subtropical herbs and shrubs and trees.

  • Polemoniaceae 3 facts

    A widely distributed family of chiefly herbaceous plants of the order Polemoniales;...

  • Acanthaceae 3 facts

    Widely distributed herbs and shrubs and trees; sometimes placed in the order Scroph...


  • Rubiaceae 17 facts

    Widely distributed family of mostly tropical trees and shrubs and herbs; includes coffee...

  • Caprifoliaceae 11 facts

    Shrubs and small trees and woody vines.

  • Valerianaceae 3 facts

    Genus of mostly herbs having a characteristic fetid odor.

  • Dipsacaceae 2 facts

    Chiefly southern European herbs with flowers usually in dense cymose heads.


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    Plants with heads composed of many florets: aster; daisy; dandelion; goldenrod; marigold;...

  • Ambrosiaceae 0 facts

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Also contains

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