
Of asterid dicot family and Polemoniales.   May also be referred to as family Scrophulariaceae, figwort family and foxglove family.

A family of dicotyledonous plants of the order Polemoniales; includes figwort and snapdragon and foxglove and toadflax and speedwell and mullein; in some classifications placed in the order Scrophulariales.

This concept's ID is @1~64451

Asterid Dicot Genus

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  • genus Veronica 5 facts

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  • Collinsia 3 facts

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  • Aureolaria 2 facts

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  • Scrophularia 1 facts

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  • Antirrhinum 1 facts

    A genus of herbs of the family Scrophulariaceae with brightly colored irregular flo...

  • Besseya 1 facts

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  • genus Calceolaria 1 facts

    Large genus of tropical American herbs and shrubs with showy cymose flowers.

  • Castilleja 1 facts

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  • Chelone 1 facts

    Herbaceous perennials: shellflower.

  • genus Digitalis 1 facts

    Genus of Eurasian herbs having alternate leaves and racemes of showy bell-shaped...

  • genus Gerardia 1 facts

    Genus of annual or perennial herbs with showy pink or purple or yellow flowers; plants...

  • Linaria 1 facts

    Genus of herbs and subshrubs having showy flowers: spurred snapdragon.

  • Verbascum 1 facts

    Genus of coarse herbs and subshrubs mostly with woolly leaves.

  • Culver's root 0 facts

    A tall perennial herb having spikes of small white or purple flowers; common in eastern...

  • Agalinis 0 facts

    Semiparasitic herb with purple or white or pink flowers; grows in the United States and...