
Of asterid dicot family and Polemoniales.   May also be referred to as Lamiaceae, family Labiatae, family Lamiaceae and mint family.

A large family of aromatic herbs and shrubs having flowers resembling the lips of a mouth and four-lobed ovaries yielding four one-seeded nutlets and including mint; thyme; sage; rosemary.

This concept's ID is @1~64259

Asterid Dicot Genus

  • genus Origanum 4 facts

    A genus of aromatic mints of the family Labiatae.

  • Blephilia 3 facts

    Small genus of North American herbs: wood mints.

  • Lamium 3 facts

    Genus of Old World herbs: dead nettles; henbits.

  • Lycopus 3 facts

    Small genus of herbs of the mint family.

  • Leonotis 2 facts

    Small genus of tropical herbs and subshrubs of South Africa.

  • Micromeria 2 facts

    Large genus of fragrant chiefly Old World herbs.

  • genus Phlomis 2 facts

    Large genus of Old World aromatic herbs or subshrubs or shrubs having often woolly...

  • Stachys 2 facts

    Large genus of usually woolly or hairy herbs or subshrubs or shrubs; temperate eastern hemisphere;...

  • Acinos 1 facts

    Plants closely allied to the genera Satureja and Calamintha.

  • Agastache 1 facts

    Giant hyssop; Mexican hyssop.

  • Ajuga 1 facts


  • Ballota 1 facts

    Perennial herbs or subshrubs of especially Mediterranean area: black horehound.

  • Calamintha 1 facts


  • Clinopodium 1 facts

    Wild basil.

  • Collinsonia 1 facts

    Small genus of perennial erect or spreading aromatic herbs; United States.

  • genus Coleus 1 facts

    Genus of Old World tropical plants cultivated for their variegated leaves; various...

  • Conradina 1 facts

    Small genus of low aromatic shrubs of southeastern United States.

  • Dracocephalum 1 facts

    Genus of American herbs and dwarf shrubs of the mind family: dragonheads.

  • genus Elsholtzia 1 facts

    Genus of Asiatic and African aromatic herbs.

  • Galeopsis 1 facts

    Erect annual European herbs.

  • Glechoma 1 facts

    Ground ivy.

  • Hedeoma 1 facts

    Small genus of American herbs (American pennyroyal).

  • Hyssopus 1 facts

    Eurasian genus of perennial herbs or subshrubs.

  • Lavandula 1 facts


  • Leonurus 1 facts

    Genus of stout Old World herbs having flowers in whorls.

  • Lepechinia 1 facts

    A dicotyledonous genus of the family Labiatae.

  • Marrubium 1 facts

    Old World aromatic herbs: horehound.

  • Melissa 1 facts

    A genus of Old World mints of the family Labiatae.

  • Mentha 1 facts

    Mint plants.

  • Molucella 1 facts

    Small genus of aromatic herbs of Mediterranean regions; widely cultivated.

  • genus Monarda 1 facts

    Wild bergamot, horsemint, beebalm.

  • Nepeta 1 facts


  • Ocimum 1 facts


  • Perilla 1 facts

    Small genus of Asiatic herbs.

  • genus Physostegia 1 facts

    Genus of North American perennial herbs.

  • genus Plectranthus 1 facts

    Large genus of ornamental flowering plants; includes some plants often placed...

  • Pogostemon 1 facts

    Genus of Asiatic shrubs or trees whose leaves yield a fragrant oil.

  • Prunella 1 facts

    Small genus of perennial mostly Eurasian having terminal spikes of small purplish or white...

  • Pycnanthemum 1 facts

    American mountain mint.

  • Rosmarinus 1 facts


  • genus Salvia 1 facts

    Large genus of shrubs and subshrubs of the mint family varying greatly in habit: s...

  • Satureja 1 facts


  • Teucrium 1 facts

    Large widely distributed genus of perennial herbs or shrubs or subshrubs; native to Mediterranean...

  • Thymus 1 facts

    Large genus of Old World mints: thyme.

  • Majorana 0 facts

    Small genus of herbs usually included in the genus Origanum.

  • Scutellaria 0 facts

    An asterid dicot genus that includes the skullcaps.

  • Sideritis 0 facts

    Genus of woolly aromatic herbs or subshrubs or shrubs of Mediterranean region.

  • Solenostemon 0 facts

    Genus of shrubby often succulent herbs of tropical Africa and Asia; includes some plants...

Also contains

  • Monardella 1 facts

    A genus of fragrant herbs of the family Labiatae in the western United States.

  • mint 0 facts

    Any member of the mint family of plants.

This concept has too many facts and some have been omitted from this Knowledge Card view.