
Of tree and Salix.   May also be referred to as willow tree.

Any of numerous deciduous trees and shrubs of the genus Salix.

This concept's ID is @1~63707


  • osier 4 facts

    Any of various willows having pliable twigs used in basketry and furniture.

  • sallow 1 facts

    Any of several Old World shrubby broad-leaved willows having large catkins; some are important...

  • white willow 0 facts

    Large willow tree of Eurasia and North Africa having greyish canescent leaves and grey...

  • silver willow 0 facts

    North American willow with greyish silky pubescent leaves that usually blacken in...

  • cricket-bat willow 0 facts

    Eurasian willow tree having greyish leaves and ascending branches.

  • arctic willow 0 facts

    Low creeping shrub of Arctic Europe and America.

  • weeping willow 0 facts

    Willow with long drooping branches and slender leaves native to China; widely cultivated...

  • Wisconsin weeping willow 0 facts

    Hybrid willow usually not strongly weeping in habit.

  • pussy willow 0 facts

    Small willow of eastern North America having greyish leaves and silky catkins that...

  • peachleaf willow 0 facts

    Willow of the western United States with leaves like those of peach or almond ...

  • hoary willow 0 facts

    North American shrub with whitish canescent leaves.

  • crack willow 0 facts

    Large willow tree with stiff branches that are easily broken.

  • prairie willow 0 facts

    Slender shrubby willow of dry areas of North America.

  • dwarf willow 0 facts

    Widely distributed boreal shrubby willow with partially underground creeping stems...

  • grey willow 0 facts

    Eurasian shrubby willow with whitish tomentose twigs.

  • arroyo willow 0 facts

    Shrubby willow of the western United States.

  • shining willow 0 facts

    Common North American shrub with shiny lanceolate leaves.

  • swamp willow 0 facts

    North American shrubby willow having dark bark and linear leaves growing close to streams...

  • bay willow 0 facts

    European willow tree with shining leathery leaves; widely naturalized in the eastern...

  • balsam willow 0 facts

    Small shrubby tree of eastern North America having leaves exuding an odor of balsam...

  • creeping willow 0 facts

    Small trailing bush of Europe and Asia having straggling branches with silky green...

  • silky willow 0 facts

    Small shrubby tree of western North America (Alaska to Oregon).

  • sage willow 0 facts

    Willow shrub of dry places in the eastern United States having long narrow leaves canescent...

  • bearberry willow 0 facts

    Dwarf prostrate mat-forming shrub of Arctic and alpine regions of North America...