
Of woody plant and wood.

A tall perennial woody plant having a main trunk and branches forming a distinct elevated crown; includes both gymnosperms and angiosperms.

This concept's ID is @1~65563

Genus Inga

  • inga 0 facts

    Any tree or shrub of the genus Inga having pinnate leaves and showy usually white flowers;...

  • ice-cream bean 0 facts

    Ornamental evergreen tree with masses of white flowers; tropical and subtropical...

  • guama 0 facts

    Tropical tree of Central America and West Indies and Puerto Rico having spikes of white flowers;...


  • beefwood 1 facts

    Tree or tall shrub with shiny leaves and umbels of fragrant creamy-white flowers; yields...

  • wheel tree 0 facts

    Eastern Australian tree widely cultivated as a shade tree and for its glossy leaves and...

Also contains

  • oak 27 facts

    A deciduous tree of the genus Quercus; has acorns and lobed leaves; "great oaks grow from little...

  • chestnut 8 facts

    Any of several attractive deciduous trees yellow-brown in autumn; yield a hard wood and...

  • southern beech 7 facts

    Any of various beeches of the southern hemisphere having small usually evergreen...

  • beech 7 facts

    Any of several large deciduous trees with rounded spreading crowns and smooth grey bark and...

  • acacia 6 facts

    Any of various spiny trees or shrubs of the genus Acacia.

  • zebrawood 6 facts

    Any of various trees or shrubs having mottled or striped wood.

  • lime 6 facts

    Any of various deciduous trees of the genus Tilia with heart-shaped leaves and drooping cymose...

  • bottle-tree 4 facts

    An Australian tree of the genus Brachychiton.

  • yellowwood 3 facts

    Any of various trees having yellowish wood or yielding a yellow extract.

  • albizzia 3 facts

    Any of numerous trees of the genus Albizia.

  • anise tree 3 facts

    Any of several evergreen shrubs and small trees of the genus Illicium.

  • tulipwood tree 3 facts

    Any of various trees yielding variously colored woods similar to true tulipwood.

  • casuarina 2 facts

    Any of various trees and shrubs of the genus Casuarina having jointed stems and whorls...

  • quandong 2 facts

    Australian tree having hard white timber and glossy green leaves with white flowers followed...

  • tanbark oak 1 facts

    Evergreen tree of the Pacific coast area having large leathery leaves; yields tanba...

  • pandanus 1 facts

    Any of various Old World tropical palmlike trees having huge prop roots and edible conelike...

  • ribbonwood 1 facts

    Deciduous New Zealand tree whose inner bark yields a strong fiber that resembles flax...

  • nitta tree 1 facts

    Any of several Old World tropical trees of the genus Parkia having heads of red or yellow...

  • winter's bark 1 facts

    South American evergreen tree yielding winter's bark and a light soft wood similar...

  • granadilla tree 1 facts

    West Indian tree yielding a fine grade of green ebony.

  • lancewood 1 facts

    Source of most of the lancewood of commerce.

  • oak chestnut 0 facts

    A tree of the genus Castanopsis.

  • giant chinkapin 0 facts

    Small ornamental evergreen tree of Pacific Coast whose glossy yellow-green leaves...

  • lacebark 0 facts

    Small tree or shrub of New Zealand having a profusion of axillary clusters of honey-scented...

  • coralwood 0 facts

    East Indian tree with racemes of yellow-white flowers; cultivated as an ornamental.

  • cockspur 0 facts

    Small spiny West Indian tree.

  • conacaste 0 facts

    Tropical South American tree having a wide-spreading crown of bipinnate leaves and coiled...

  • silver tree 0 facts

    Small South African tree with long silvery silky foliage.

  • lead tree 0 facts

    Low scrubby tree of tropical and subtropical North America having white flowers tinged...

  • wild tamarind 0 facts

    A tree of the West Indies and Florida and Mexico; resembles tamarind and has long...

  • prickly ash 0 facts

    Australian tree having alternate simple leaves (when young they are pinnate with prickly...

  • red silk-cotton tree 0 facts

    East Indian silk cotton tree yielding fibers inferior to kapok.

  • wild tamarind 0 facts

    Common thorny tropical American tree having terminal racemes of yellow flowers followed...

  • Montezuma 0 facts

    Evergreen tree with large leathery leaves and large pink to orange flowers; considered...

  • shaving-brush tree 0 facts

    Tree of Mexico to Guatemala having densely hairy flowers with long narrow petals...

  • Jamaican cherry 0 facts

    A fast-growing tropical American evergreen having white flowers and white fleshy...

  • breakax 0 facts

    West Indian timber tree having very hard wood.

  • dita 0 facts

    Evergreen tree of eastern Asia and Philippines having large leathery leaves and small green-white...

  • ivory tree 0 facts

    Tropical Asian tree with hard white wood and bark formerly used as a remedy for dysentery...

  • puka 0 facts

    Small roundheaded New Zealand tree having large resinous leaves and panicles of green-white...

  • Chinese parasol tree 0 facts

    Deciduous tree widely grown in southern United States as an ornamental for...

  • mayeng 0 facts

    Indian tree having fragrant nocturnal white flowers and yielding a reddish wood used for...

  • silver tree 0 facts

    Australian timber tree.

  • Guinea pepper 0 facts

    Tropical west African evergreen tree bearing pungent aromatic seeds used as a condiment...

  • samba 0 facts

    Large west African tree having large palmately lobed leaves and axillary cymose panicles of...

This concept has too many facts and some have been omitted from this Knowledge Card view.