
Of tree and Betula.   May also be referred to as birch tree.

Any betulaceous tree or shrub of the genus Betula having a thin peeling bark.

This concept's ID is @1~61581


  • yellow birch 0 facts

    Tree of eastern North America with thin lustrous yellow or grey bark.

  • American white birch 0 facts

    Small American birch with peeling white bark often worked into e.g. baskets...

  • grey birch 0 facts

    Medium-sized birch of eastern North America having white or pale grey bark and valueless...

  • silver birch 0 facts

    European birch with silvery white peeling bark and markedly drooping branches.

  • downy birch 0 facts

    European birch with dull white to pale brown bark and somewhat drooping hairy branc...

  • black birch 0 facts

    Birch of swamps and river bottoms throughout the eastern United States having reddish-brown...

  • black birch 0 facts

    Common birch of the eastern United States having spicy brown bark yielding a volatile...

  • Yukon white birch 0 facts

    Alaskan birch with white to pale brown bark.

  • swamp birch 0 facts

    Birch of western United States resembling the paper birch but having brownish bark.

  • Newfoundland dwarf birch 0 facts

    Small shrub of colder parts of North America and Greenland.

Also contains

  • birch 0 facts

    Hard close-grained wood of any of various birch trees; used especially in furniture and interior...