
Of drink and drug of abuse.   May also be referred to as alcohol, alcoholic beverage, alcoholic drink and inebriant.

A liquor or brew containing alcohol as the active agent; "alcohol (or drink) ruined him".

This concept's ID is @1~42622


  • wine 24 facts

    Fermented juice (of grapes especially).

  • liqueur 19 facts

    Strong highly flavored sweet liquor usually drunk after a meal.

  • liquor 15 facts

    An alcoholic beverage that is distilled rather than fermented.

  • mixed drink 12 facts

    Made of two or more ingredients.

  • brew 5 facts

    Drink made by steeping and boiling and fermenting rather than distilling.

  • hooch 1 facts

    An illicitly distilled (and usually inferior) alcoholic liquor.

  • neutral spirits 1 facts

    Nonflavored alcohol of 95 percent or 190 proof used for blending with straight whiskies...

  • hard cider 1 facts

    Alcoholic drink from fermented cider; `cider' and `cyder' are European (especially British)...

  • proof spirit 0 facts

    A mixture containing half alcohol by volume at 60 degrees Fahrenheit.

  • home brew 0 facts

    An alcoholic beverage (especially beer) made at home.

  • saki 0 facts

    Japanese alcoholic beverage made from fermented rice; usually served hot.

  • kava 0 facts

    An alcoholic drink made from the aromatic roots of the kava shrub.

  • pulque 0 facts

    Fermented Mexican drink from juice of various agave plants especially the maguey.

  • aperitif 0 facts

    Alcoholic beverage taken before a meal as an appetizer.

  • nipa 0 facts

    Made from sap of the Australasian nipa palm.

  • koumiss 0 facts

    An alcoholic beverage made from fermented mare's milk; made originally by nomads of central...

  • perry 0 facts

    A fermented and often effervescent beverage made from juice of pears; similar in taste to...

  • rotgut 0 facts

    Any alcoholic beverage of inferior quality.

  • slug 0 facts

    An amount of an alcoholic drink (usually liquor) that is poured or gulped; "he took a slug...