
Of intoxicant, grape and negus.   May also be referred to as vino.

Fermented juice (of grapes especially).

This concept's ID is @1~42664


  • white wine 16 facts

    Pale yellowish wine made from white grapes or red grapes with skins removed before f...

  • red wine 9 facts

    Wine having a red color derived from skins of dark-colored grapes.

  • fortified wine 5 facts

    Wine to which alcohol (usually grape brandy) has been added.

  • Burgundy 3 facts

    Red table wine from the Burgundy region of France (or any similar wine made elsewhere).

  • vermouth 2 facts

    Any of several white wines flavored with aromatic herbs; used as aperitifs or in mixed...

  • mulled wine 2 facts

    Wine heated with sugar and spices and often citrus fruit.

  • sparkling wine 2 facts

    Effervescent wine.

  • Bordeaux 2 facts

    Any of several red or white wines produced around Bordeaux, France or wines resembling...

  • dessert wine 1 facts

    Still sweet wine often served with dessert or after a meal.

  • table wine 1 facts

    Wine containing not more than 14 percent alcohol usually served with a meal.

  • California wine 0 facts

    Any of various wines produced in California.

  • Cotes de Provence 0 facts

    A wine from southeastern France on the Mediterranean coast.

  • Dubonnet 0 facts

    (trademark) a sweet aromatic French wine (red or white) used chiefly as an aperitif.

  • jug wine 0 facts

    Inexpensive wine sold in large bottles or jugs.

  • Tokay 0 facts

    Hungarian wine made from Tokay grapes.

  • macon 0 facts

    Fine Burgundy wine usually white and dry.

  • plonk 0 facts

    A cheap wine of inferior quality.

  • retsina 0 facts

    Greek wine flavored with resin.

  • Rhone wine 0 facts

    Any of various wines from the Rhone River valley in France.

  • generic 0 facts

    A wine that is a blend of several varieties of grapes with no one grape predominating; a...

  • varietal 0 facts

    A wine made principally from one grape and carrying the name of that grape.

  • vintage 0 facts

    A season's yield of wine from a vineyard.

  • rose 0 facts

    Pinkish table wine from red grapes whose skins were removed after fermentation began.

  • altar wine 0 facts

    Used in a communion service.