
Of seasoning.

Any of a variety of pungent aromatic vegetable substances used for flavoring food.

This concept's ID is @1~42119

Five Spice Powder

  • five spice powder 1 facts

    Chinese seasoning made by grinding star anise and fennel and pepper and cloves...

  • Chinese anise 0 facts

    Anise-scented star-shaped fruit or seed used in Asian cooking and medicine.


  • mace 1 facts

    Spice made from the dried fleshy covering of the nutmeg seed.

  • nutmeg 0 facts

    Hard aromatic seed of the nutmeg tree used as spice when grated or ground.

Also contains

  • cinnamon 1 facts

    Spice from the dried aromatic bark of the Ceylon cinnamon tree; used as rolled strips or...

  • ginger 1 facts

    Dried ground gingerroot.

  • allspice 0 facts

    Ground dried berrylike fruit of a West Indian allspice tree; suggesting combined flavors...

  • clove 0 facts

    Spice from dried unopened flower bud of the clove tree; used whole or ground.

  • fennel 0 facts

    Fennel seeds are ground and used as a spice or as an ingredient of a spice mixture.