Edible Fruit

Of fruit and produce.

Edible reproductive body of a seed plant especially one having sweet flesh.

This concept's ID is @1~41449


  • plum 5 facts

    Any of numerous varieties of small to medium-sized round or oval fruit having a smooth skin...

  • cherry 3 facts

    A red fruit with a single hard stone.

  • peach 0 facts

    Downy juicy fruit with sweet yellowish or whitish flesh.

  • elderberry 0 facts

    Berrylike fruit of an elder used for e.g. wines and jellies.

Also contains

  • berry 18 facts

    Any of numerous small and pulpy edible fruits; used as desserts or in making jams and jellies...

  • citrus 10 facts

    Any of numerous fruits of the genus Citrus having thick rind and juicy pulp; grown in warm...

  • custard apple 6 facts

    The fruit of any of several tropical American trees of the genus Annona having soft...

  • grape 4 facts

    Any of various juicy fruit of the genus Vitis with green or purple skins; grow in cluster...

  • skin 4 facts

    The rind of a fruit or vegetable.

  • dried fruit 3 facts

    Fruit preserved by drying.

  • passion fruit 3 facts

    Egg-shaped tropical fruit of certain passionflower vines; used for sherbets and confectionery...

  • apple 3 facts

    Fruit with red or yellow or green skin and sweet to tart crisp whitish flesh.

  • melon 3 facts

    Any of numerous fruits of the gourd family having a hard rind and sweet juicy flesh.

  • apricot 0 facts

    Downy yellow to rosy-colored fruit resembling a small peach.

  • kiwi 0 facts

    Fuzzy brown egg-shaped fruit with slightly tart green flesh.

  • papaw 0 facts

    Fruit with yellow flesh; related to custard apples.

  • papaya 0 facts

    Large oval melon-like tropical fruit with yellowish flesh.

  • kai apple 0 facts

    South African fruit smelling and tasting like apricots; used for pickles and preserve...

  • ketembilla 0 facts

    Maroon-purple gooseberry-like fruit of India having tart-sweet purple pulp used especially...

  • ackee 0 facts

    Red pear-shaped tropical fruit with poisonous seeds; flesh is poisonous when unripe or ov...

  • durian 0 facts

    Huge fruit native to southeastern Asia `smelling like Hell and tasting like Heaven'; seeds...

  • feijoa 0 facts

    Dark-green kiwi-sized tropical fruit with white flesh; used chiefly for jellies and pres...

  • genip 0 facts

    Round one-inch Caribbean fruit with green leathery skin and sweet juicy translucent pulp;...

  • genipap 0 facts

    A succulent orange-sized tropical fruit with a thick rind.

  • loquat 0 facts

    Yellow olive-sized semitropical fruit with a large free stone and relatively little flesh;...

  • mangosteen 0 facts

    Two- to three-inch tropical fruit with juicy flesh suggestive of both peaches and pi...

  • mango 0 facts

    Large oval tropical fruit having smooth skin, juicy aromatic pulp, and a large hairy seed.

  • date 0 facts

    Sweet edible fruit of the date palm with a single long woody seed.

  • sapodilla 0 facts

    Tropical fruit with a rough brownish skin and very sweet brownish pulp.

  • sapote 0 facts

    Brown oval fruit flesh makes excellent sherbet.

  • tamarind 0 facts

    Large tropical seed pod with very tangy pulp that is eaten fresh or cooked with rice and...

  • avocado 0 facts

    A pear-shaped tropical fruit with green or blackish skin and rich yellowish pulp enclosing...

  • lanseh 0 facts

    East Indian tart yellow berrylike fruit.

  • nectarine 0 facts

    A variety or mutation of the peach that has a smooth skin.

  • ceriman 0 facts

    Tropical cylindrical fruit resembling a pinecone with pineapple-banana flavor.

  • anchovy pear 0 facts

    West Indian fruit resembling the mango; often pickled.

  • pitahaya 0 facts

    Highly colored edible fruit of pitahaya cactus having bright red juice; often as large...

  • carambola 0 facts

    Deeply ridged yellow-brown tropical fruit; used raw as a vegetable or in salad or when...

  • fig 0 facts

    Fleshy sweet pear-shaped yellowish or purple multiple fruit eaten fresh or preserved or dri...

  • pineapple 0 facts

    Large sweet fleshy tropical fruit with a terminal tuft of stiff leaves; widely cultiv...

  • banana 0 facts

    Elongated crescent-shaped yellow fruit with soft sweet flesh.

  • carissa plum 0 facts

    Edible scarlet plumlike fruit of a South African plant.

  • breadfruit 0 facts

    A large round seedless or seeded fruit with a texture like bread; eaten boiled or baked...

  • jack 0 facts

    Immense East Indian fruit resembling breadfruit; it contains an edible pulp and nutritious...

  • canistel 0 facts

    Ovoid orange-yellow mealy sweet fruit of Florida and West Indies.

  • cocoa plum 0 facts

    Plum-shaped whitish to almost black fruit used for preserves; tropical American.

  • tangelo 0 facts

    Large sweet juicy hybrid between tangerine and grapefruit having a thick wrinkled skin.

  • freestone 0 facts

    Fruit (especially peach) whose flesh does not adhere to the pit.

  • cling 0 facts

    Fruit (especially peach) whose flesh adheres strongly to the pit.

  • windfall 0 facts

    Fruit that has fallen from the tree.

This concept has too many facts and some have been omitted from this Knowledge Card view.