
Of food.

A quantity of food (other than bread) formed in a particular shape; "meat loaf"; "sugar loaf"; "a loaf of cheese".

This concept's ID is @1~41048


  • sugarloaf 0 facts

    A large conical loaf of concentrated refined sugar.

  • pound cake 0 facts

    Rich loaf cake made of a pound each of butter and sugar and flour.

  • haslet 0 facts

    Heart and liver and other edible viscera especially of hogs; usually chopped and formed into...

  • headcheese 0 facts

    Sausage or jellied loaf made of chopped parts of the head meat and sometimes feet and...

  • lunch meat 0 facts

    Any of various sausages or molded loaf meats sliced and served cold.

  • scrapple 0 facts

    Scraps of meat (usually pork) boiled with cornmeal and shaped into loaves for slicing and...