
Of sweet.

Any of various soft sweet desserts thickened usually with flour and baked or boiled or steamed.

This concept's ID is @1~40777

Great Britain

  • suet pudding 1 facts

    A sweet or savory pudding made with suet and steamed or boiled.

  • pease pudding 0 facts

    A pudding made with strained split peas mixed with egg.

  • roly-poly 0 facts

    Pudding made of suet pastry spread with jam or fruit and rolled up and baked or steam...

Also contains

  • tapioca pudding 0 facts

    Sweet pudding thickened with tapioca.

  • flummery 0 facts

    A bland custard or pudding especially of oatmeal.

  • plum pudding 0 facts

    A rich steamed or boiled pudding that resembles cake.

  • steamed pudding 0 facts

    A pudding cooked by steaming.

  • duff 0 facts

    A stiff flour pudding steamed or boiled usually and containing e.g. currants and raisins and...

  • vanilla pudding 0 facts

    Sweet vanilla flavored custard-like pudding usually thickened with flour rather...

  • chocolate pudding 0 facts

    Sweet chocolate flavored custard-like pudding usually thickened with flour rather...

  • brown Betty 0 facts

    Baked pudding of apples and breadcrumbs.

  • Nesselrode 0 facts

    A rich frozen pudding made of chopped chestnuts and maraschino cherries and candied fruits...