
Of mammal family and Carnivora.   May also be referred to as family Mustelidae.

Weasels; polecats; ferrets; minks; fishers; otters; badgers; skunks; wolverines; martens.

This concept's ID is @1~12809

Mammal Genus

  • Mustela 4 facts

    Type genus of the family Mustelidae: minks and weasels.

  • Ictonyx 2 facts

    A genus of Mustelidae.

  • Mephitis 2 facts

    In some classifications: type genus of the subfamily Mephitinae.

  • Poecilogale 1 facts


  • Lutra 1 facts

    In some classifications considered a genus of the subfamily Lutrinae.

  • Enhydra 1 facts

    Sea otters.

  • Conepatus 1 facts

    A genus of Mustelidae.

  • Spilogale 1 facts

    A genus of Mustelidae.

  • Taxidea 1 facts

    In some classifications considered a genus of subfamily Melinae.

  • Meles 1 facts

    In some classifications: type genus of the subfamily Melinae.

  • Mellivora 1 facts


  • Melogale 1 facts

    A genus of Mustelidae.

  • Arctonyx 1 facts

    A genus of Mustelidae.

  • Gulo 1 facts

    A genus of Mustelidae.

  • genus Grison 1 facts

    A genus of Mustelidae.

  • Martes 1 facts


  • Charronia 1 facts

    A genus of Mustelidae.

  • Eira 1 facts

    A genus of Mustelidae.

  • genus Galictis 0 facts

    Alternative name for the genus Grison.

Mammal Family

  • Lutrinae 0 facts

    Subdivision not used in some classifications: otters.

  • Mephitinae 0 facts

    Subdivision not used in some classifications: skunks.

  • Melinae 0 facts

    Subdivision not used in some classifications: badgers.

Also contains