Musteline Mammal

Of Mustelidae and carnivore.   May also be referred to as mustelid and musteline.

Fissiped fur-bearing carnivorous mammals.

This concept's ID is @1~12810


  • weasel 5 facts

    Small carnivorous mammal with short legs and elongated body and neck.

  • mink 1 facts

    Slender-bodied semiaquatic mammal having partially webbed feet; valued for its fur.

  • polecat 1 facts

    Dark brown mustelid of woodlands of Eurasia that gives off an unpleasant odor when thre...

  • ferret 0 facts

    Musteline mammal of prairie regions of United States; nearly extinct.

Also contains

  • marten 6 facts

    Agile slender-bodied arboreal mustelids somewhat larger than weasels.

  • polecat 4 facts

    American musteline mammal typically ejecting an intensely malodorous fluid when startled;...

  • badger 4 facts

    Sturdy carnivorous burrowing mammal with strong claws; widely distributed in the northern...

  • otter 2 facts

    Freshwater carnivorous mammal having webbed and clawed feet and dark brown fur.

  • sea otter 0 facts

    Large marine otter of northern Pacific coasts having very thick dark brown fur.

  • tayra 0 facts

    Long-tailed arboreal mustelid of Central America and South America.

  • ratel 0 facts

    Nocturnal badger-like carnivore of wooded regions of Africa and southern Asia.

  • wolverine 0 facts

    Stocky shaggy-coated North American carnivorous mammal.

  • wolverine 0 facts

    Musteline mammal of northern Eurasia.

  • grison 0 facts

    Carnivore of Central America and South America resembling a weasel with a greyish-white back...