Gallus Gallus

Of domestic fowl.   May also be referred to as chicken.

A domestic fowl bred for flesh or eggs; believed to have been developed from the red jungle fowl.

This concept's ID is @1~9054


  • chicken 8 facts

    The flesh of a chicken used for food.

  • hen 5 facts

    Adult female chicken.

  • cock 1 facts

    Adult male chicken.

  • chick 0 facts

    Young bird especially of domestic fowl.

  • capon 0 facts

    Castrated male chicken.

  • spring chicken 0 facts

    A young chicken having tender meat.

  • Rhode Island red 0 facts

    American breed of heavy-bodied brownish-red general-purpose chicken.

  • Dominique 0 facts

    American breed of chicken having barred grey plumage raised for meat and brown eggs.

  • Orpington 0 facts

    English breed of large chickens with white skin.