Deoxyribonucleic Acid

Of biochemistry and polymer.   May also be referred to as DNA and desoxyribonucleic acid.

(biochemistry) a long linear polymer found in the nucleus of a cell and formed from nucleotides and shaped like a double helix; associated with the transmission of genetic information; "DNA is the king of molecules".

This concept's ID is @1~74975

Ribonucleic Acid

  • A 0 facts

    (biochemistry) purine base found in DNA and RNA; pairs with thymine in DNA and with uracil in...

  • C 0 facts

    A base found in DNA and RNA and derived from pyrimidine; pairs with guanine.

  • G 0 facts

    A purine base found in DNA and RNA; pairs with cytosine.

  • nucleic acid 0 facts

    (biochemistry) any of various macromolecules composed of nucleotide chains that are...

Also contains

  • gene 21 facts

    Tics) a segment of DNA that is involved in producing a polypeptide chain; it can include regions...

  • complementary DNA 2 facts

    Single-stranded DNA that is complementary to messenger RNA or DNA that has been...

  • operon 2 facts

    A segment of DNA containing adjacent genes including structural genes and an operator gene...

  • T 0 facts

    A base found in DNA (but not in RNA) and derived from pyrimidine; pairs with adenine.

  • episome 0 facts

    DNA that is not incorporated into the genome but is replicated together with the genome...

  • intron 0 facts

    Sequence of a eukaryotic gene's DNA that is not translated into a protein.

  • exon 0 facts

    Sequence of a gene's DNA that transcribes into protein structures; "exons are interspersed...

  • recombinant deoxyribonucleic acid 0 facts

    Genetically engineered DNA made by recombining fragments of DNA...

  • junk DNA 0 facts

    Stretches of DNA that do not code for genes; "most of the genome consists of junk DNA".

  • base pair 0 facts

    One of the pairs of chemical bases joined by hydrogen bonds that connect the complementary...

  • transposon 0 facts

    A segment of DNA that can become integrated at many different sites along a chromosome...

  • sticky end 0 facts

    An end of DNA in which one strand of the double helix extends a few units beyond the...