
Of genetics, deoxyribonucleic acid, chromosome, sequence and molecular biology.   May also be referred to as cistron and factor.

(genetics) a segment of DNA that is involved in producing a polypeptide chain; it can include regions preceding and following the coding DNA as well as introns between the exons; it is considered a unit of heredity; "genes were formerly called factors".

This concept's ID is @1~29679


  • operator gene 0 facts

    A gene that activates the production of messenger RNA by adjacent structural gene...

  • regulatory gene 0 facts

    A gene that produces a repressor substance that inhibits an operator gene.

Also contains

  • allele 2 facts

    (genetics) either of a pair (or series) of alternative forms of a gene that can occupy the...

  • suppressor 1 facts

    A gene that suppresses the phenotypic expression of another gene (especially of a mutant...

  • homeotic gene 1 facts

    One the genes that are involved in embryologic development.

  • mutant gene 1 facts

    A gene that has changed so that the normal transmission and expression of a trait is...

  • oncogene 0 facts

    A gene that disposes normal cells to change into cancerous tumor cells.

  • polygene 0 facts

    A gene that by itself has little effect on the phenotype but which can act together with...

  • proto-oncogene 0 facts

    A normal gene that has the potential to become an oncogene.

  • recessive gene 0 facts

    Gene that produces its characteristic phenotype only when its allele is identical;...

  • repressor gene 0 facts

    Gene that prevents a nonallele from being transcribed.

  • structural gene 0 facts

    A gene that controls the production of a specific protein or peptide.

  • transgene 0 facts

    An exogenous gene introduced into the genome of another organism.

  • X-linked gene 0 facts

    A gene located on an X chromosome.

  • Y-linked gene 0 facts

    A gene located on a Y chromosome.

  • dominant gene 0 facts

    Gene that produces the same phenotype in the organism whether or not its allele identical;...

  • genetic marker 0 facts

    A specific gene that produces a recognizable trait and can be used in family or population...

  • lethal gene 0 facts

    Any gene that has an effect that causes the death of the organism at any stage of l...

  • linkage group 0 facts

    Any pair of genes that tend to be transmitted together; "the genes of Drosophila fall...

  • modifier 0 facts

    A gene that modifies the effect produced by another gene.

  • nonallele 0 facts

    Genes that are not competitors at the same locus.