
Of symptom and inflammatory disease.   May also be referred to as redness and rubor.

A response of body tissues to injury or irritation; characterized by pain and swelling and redness and heat.

This concept's ID is @1~72296


  • encephalitis 8 facts

    Inflammation of the brain usually caused by a virus; symptoms include headache and...

  • carditis 4 facts

    Inflammation of the heart.

  • arteritis 4 facts

    Inflammation of an artery.

  • colitis 3 facts

    Inflammation of the colon.

  • glossitis 3 facts

    Inflammation of the tongue.

  • gastritis 2 facts

    Inflammation of the lining of the stomach; nausea and loss of appetite and discomfort...

  • alveolitis 2 facts

    Inflammation of the alveoli in the lungs caused by inhaling dust; with repeated exposure...

  • conjunctivitis 1 facts

    Inflammation of the conjunctiva of the eye.

  • enteritis 1 facts

    Inflammation of the intestine (especially the small intestine); usually characterized...

  • epicondylitis 1 facts

    Painful inflammation of the muscles and soft tissues around an epicondyle.

  • hydrarthrosis 1 facts

    Inflammation and swelling of a movable joint because of excess synovial fluid.

  • aortitis 1 facts

    Inflammation of the aorta.

  • bursitis 1 facts

    Inflammation of a bursa; frequently in the shoulder.

  • angiitis 0 facts

    Inflammation of a blood vessel or lymph duct.

  • cellulitis 0 facts

    An inflammation of body tissue (especially that below the skin) characterized by fever...

  • catarrh 0 facts

    Inflammation of the nose and throat with increased production of mucus.

  • cheilitis 0 facts

    Inflammation and cracking of the skin of the lips.

  • cervicitis 0 facts

    Inflammation of the uterine cervix.

  • cholangitis 0 facts

    Inflammation of the bile ducts.

  • chorditis 0 facts

    Inflammation of the vocal cords.

  • cholecystitis 0 facts

    Inflammation of the gall bladder.

  • chorditis 0 facts

    Inflammation of the spermatic cord.

  • colpocystitis 0 facts

    Inflammation of the vagina and bladder.

  • colpitis 0 facts

    Inflammation of the vagina.

  • corditis 0 facts

    Inflammation of the spermatic cord.

  • dacryocystitis 0 facts

    Inflammation of the lacrimal sac causing obstruction of the tube draining tears into...

  • costochondritis 0 facts

    Inflammation at the junction of a rib and its cartilage.

  • diverticulitis 0 facts

    Inflammation of a diverticulum in the digestive tract (especially the colon); characterized...

  • endarteritis 0 facts

    Inflammation of the inner lining of an artery.

  • encephalomyelitis 0 facts

    Inflammation of the brain and spinal cord.

  • endocervicitis 0 facts

    Inflammation of the mucous lining of the uterine cervix.

  • epiglottitis 0 facts

    Inflammation of the epiglottis; characterized by fever and a severe sore throat and...

  • epididymitis 0 facts

    Painful inflammation of the epididymis.

  • esophagitis 0 facts

    Inflammation of the esophagus; often caused by gastroesophageal reflux.

  • episcleritis 0 facts

    Inflammation of the sclera of the eye.

  • fibromyositis 0 facts

    Local inflammation of muscle and connective tissue.

  • fibrositis 0 facts

    Inflammation of white fibrous tissues (especially muscle sheaths).

  • funiculitis 0 facts

    Inflammation of a funiculus (especially an inflammation of the spermatic cord).

  • folliculitis 0 facts

    Inflammation of a hair follicle.

  • adenitis 0 facts

    Inflammation of a gland or lymph node.

  • alveolitis 0 facts

    Inflammation in the socket of a tooth; sometimes occurs after a tooth is extracted and...

  • iridocyclitis 0 facts

    Inflammation of the iris and ciliary body of the eye.

  • ileitis 0 facts

    Inflammation of the ileum.

  • iritis 0 facts

    Inflammation of the iris.

  • appendicitis 0 facts

    Inflammation of the vermiform appendix.

  • iridokeratitis 0 facts

    Inflammation of the iris and cornea of the eye.

  • jejunitis 0 facts

    Inflammation of the jejunum of the small intestine.

  • balanoposthitis 0 facts

    Inflammation of both the head of the penis and the foreskin.

  • balanitis 0 facts

    Inflammation of the head of the penis.

  • blepharitis 0 facts

    Inflammation of the eyelids characterized by redness and swelling and dried crusts.

This concept has too many facts and some have been omitted from this Knowledge Card view.