
Of medicine, disease and grounds.

(medicine) any sensation or change in bodily function that is experienced by a patient and is associated with a particular disease.

This concept's ID is @1~72100


  • abscess 3 facts

    Symptom consisting of a localized collection of pus surrounded by inflamed tissue.

  • purulence 0 facts

    Symptom of being purulent (containing or forming pus).

Also contains

  • syndrome 30 facts

    A pattern of symptoms indicative of some disease.

  • effect 3 facts

    A symptom caused by an illness or a drug; "the effects of sleep loss"; "the effect of the...

  • glycosuria 2 facts

    The presence of abnormally high levels of sugar in the urine.

  • amenorrhea 2 facts

    Absence or suppression of normal menstrual flow.

  • exophthalmos 1 facts

    Protrusion of the eyeball from the socket.

  • hematuria 1 facts

    The presence of blood in the urine; often a symptom of urinary tract disease.

  • hypercholesterolemia 1 facts

    The presence of an abnormal amount of cholesterol in the cells and plasma of...

  • ketonuria 1 facts

    Excessive amounts of ketone bodies in the urine as in diabetes mellitus or starvation.

  • cyanosis 1 facts

    A bluish discoloration of the skin and mucous membranes; a sign that oxygen in the blood...

  • crepitation rale 0 facts

    The crackling sound heard on auscultation when patients with respiratory diseases...

  • alkalinuria 0 facts

    A condition in which the urine (which is normally slightly acidic) is alkaline.

  • aminoaciduria 0 facts

    Abnormal presence of amino acids in the urine; usually a symptom of metabolic def...

  • albuminuria 0 facts

    The presence of excessive protein (chiefly albumin but also globulin) in the urine;...

  • ammoniuria 0 facts

    Excessive ammonia in the urine.

  • Kayser-Fleischer ring 0 facts

    A pigmented ring at the outer edge of the cornea of the eye; a symptom of...

  • furring 0 facts

    A furlike coating of matter as on the tongue.

  • Jacquemier's sign 0 facts

    A purplish discoloration of the mucous membrane of the vagina that occurs early...

  • festination 0 facts

    Involuntary shortening of stride and quickening of gait that occurs in some diseases...

  • Kernig's sign 0 facts

    Symptom of meningitis; patient cannot extend the leg at the knee when the thigh is...

  • keratomalacia 0 facts

    Softening and drying and ulceration of the cornea resulting from vitamin A deficiency;...

  • Koplik's spots 0 facts

    Small red spots with white centers found on the mucous membranes of the mouth and...

  • ketonemia 0 facts

    An abnormal increase of ketone bodies in the blood as in diabetes mellitus.

  • hemoglobinuria 0 facts

    Presence of hemoglobin in the urine.

  • lymphuria 0 facts

    The presence of lymph in the urine.

  • thrombocytosis 0 facts

    Increase in the number of platelets in the blood which tends to cause clots to form;...

  • monocytosis 0 facts

    Increase in the number of monocytes in the blood; symptom of monocytic leukemia.

  • hypercalcemia 0 facts

    The presence of abnormally high levels of calcium in the blood; usually the result...

  • ochronosis 0 facts

    An accumulation of dark pigment in cartilage and other connective tissue; usually a symptom...

  • hypercalciuria 0 facts

    The presence of abnormally high levels of calcium in the urine; usually the result...

  • hypocalcemia 0 facts

    Abnormally low level of calcium in the blood; associated with hypoparathyroidism or...

  • hyperkalemia 0 facts

    Higher than normal levels of potassium in the circulating blood; associated with kidney...

  • hypokalemia 0 facts

    Abnormally low level of potassium in the circulating blood leading to weakness and heart...

  • natriuresis 0 facts

    The presence of abnormally large amounts of sodium in the urine.

  • kaliuresis 0 facts

    The presence of excess potassium in the urine.

  • hypernatremia 0 facts

    Excessive amounts of sodium in the blood; possibly indicating diabetes insipidus.

  • hypoproteinemia 0 facts

    Abnormally low level of protein in the blood; can indicate inadequate diet or intestinal...

  • hypersplenism 0 facts

    Enlarged spleen and a decrease in one or more types of blood cells; associated with...

  • hyponatremia 0 facts

    Abnormally low level of sodium in the blood; associated with dehydration.

  • menorrhagia 0 facts

    Abnormally heavy or prolonged menstruation; can be a symptom of uterine tumors and can...

  • chloasma 0 facts

    A tan discoloration of a woman's face that is associated with pregnancy or with the use...

  • eosinopenia 0 facts

    A decrease in the number of eosinophils in the blood.

  • aura 0 facts

    A sensation (as of a cold breeze or bright light) that precedes the onset of certain disorders...

  • hemoglobinemia 0 facts

    Presence of excessive hemoglobin in the blood plasma.

  • clubbing 0 facts

    A condition in which the ends of toes and fingers become wide and thick; a symptom of heart...

  • hemoptysis 0 facts

    Coughing up blood from the respiratory tract; usually indicates a severe infection of...

  • diuresis 0 facts

    Increased secretion of urine; if not due to increased liquid intake or to the action of...

  • prodrome 0 facts

    An early symptom that a disease is developing or that an attack is about to occur.

  • lipemia 0 facts

    Presence of excess lipids in the blood.

This concept has too many facts and some have been omitted from this Knowledge Card view.