
Of symptom and disease.

A pattern of symptoms indicative of some disease.

This concept's ID is @1~72113


  • tetralogy of Fallot 2 facts

    A congenital heart defect producing cyanosis; characterized by four symptoms:...

  • attention deficit disorder 1 facts

    A condition (mostly in boys) characterized by behavioral and learning...

  • autism 1 facts

    (psychiatry) an abnormal absorption with the self; marked by communication disorders and...

  • premenstrual syndrome 0 facts

    A syndrome that occurs in many women from 2 to 14 days before the onset of...

  • phantom limb syndrome 0 facts

    Syndrome consisting of discomfort or pain in a limb that has been amputat...

  • Ramsay Hunt syndrome 0 facts

    Syndrome resulting from infection by the herpes varicella zoster virus; characterized...

  • radiation 0 facts

    Syndrome resulting from exposure to ionizing radiation (e.g., exposure to radioactive...

  • restless legs syndrome 0 facts

    Feeling of uneasiness and restlessness in the legs after going to bed (sometimes...

  • Reiter's syndrome 0 facts

    An inflammatory syndrome (etiology unknown) predominantly in males; characterized...

  • scalenus syndrome 0 facts

    Discomfort and vascular symptoms and loss of sensation in a shoulder and arm;...

  • Reye's syndrome 0 facts

    Acquired encephalopathy following acute viral infections (especially influenza or...

  • thoracic outlet syndrome 0 facts

    Tingling sensations in the fingers; caused by compression on a nerve supplying...

  • tetany 0 facts

    Clinical neurological syndrome characterized by muscular twitching and cramps and (when severe)...

  • Tourette's syndrome 0 facts

    Neurological disorder characterized by facial grimaces and tics and movements...

  • Tietze's syndrome 0 facts

    Syndrome characterized by swelling of rib cartilage (causing pain).

  • Waterhouse-Friderichsen syndrome 0 facts

    Syndrome associated with bacterial meningitis; marked by sudden...

  • toxic shock 0 facts

    Syndrome resulting from a serious acute (sometimes fatal) infection associated with...

  • Zollinger-Ellison syndrome 0 facts

    Syndrome consisting of intractable peptic ulceration with gastric hypersecretion...

  • Williams syndrome 0 facts

    A rare congenital disorder associated with deletion of genetic material in chromosome...

  • Chinese restaurant syndrome 0 facts

    Headache and tingling or burning feelings and sweating caused by eating...

  • cervical disc syndrome 0 facts

    An abnormal condition resulting from compression of spinal nerve roots in...

  • fetal alcohol syndrome 0 facts

    A congenital medical condition in which body deformation occurs or facial...

  • Conn's syndrome 0 facts

    Disturbances in saltwater balance and symptoms of weakness and muscular cramps and...

  • Gulf War syndrome 0 facts

    A medical condition of uncertain origin that affected many veterans of the 1991...

  • Klinefelter's syndrome 0 facts

    Syndrome in males that is characterized by small testes and long legs and...

  • malabsorption syndrome 0 facts

    A pattern of symptoms including loss of appetite and bloating and weight...

  • Munchausen's syndrome 0 facts

    Syndrome consisting of feigning acute and dramatic illness for which no clinical...

  • Noonan's syndrome 0 facts

    Syndrome seen only in males; marked by short stature and lowset ears and subnormal...

  • Horner's syndrome 0 facts

    A pattern of symptoms occurring as a result of damage to nerves in the cervical...

  • nephrosis 0 facts

    A syndrome characterized by edema and large amounts of protein in the urine and usually...