
Of asterid dicot family and Rubiales.   May also be referred to as family Rubiaceae and madder family.

Widely distributed family of mostly tropical trees and shrubs and herbs; includes coffee and chinchona and gardenia and madder and bedstraws and partridgeberry.

This concept's ID is @1~63395

Asterid Dicot Genus

  • genus Cinchona 4 facts

    Large genus of trees of Andean region of South America having medicinal bark.

  • genus Genipa 2 facts

    Tropical American evergreen trees or shrubs bearing yellow flowers and succulent edible...

  • Vangueria 2 facts

    Tropical African and Asiatic trees and shrubs having one-seeded fruit.

  • Rubia 1 facts

    Type genus of the Rubiaceae; Old World herbs and subshrubs grown for their medicinal properties...

  • Asperula 1 facts


  • Calycophyllum 1 facts

    Medium to large tropical American trees having shiny reddish-brown shredding bark.

  • Chiococca 1 facts

    Shrubs of tropical and subtropical New World.

  • Coffea 1 facts

    Coffee trees.

  • Galium 1 facts

    Annual or perennial herbs: bedstraw; cleavers.

  • genus Gardenia 1 facts

    Large genus of attractive Old World tropical shrubs and small trees.

  • genus Hamelia 1 facts

    Evergreen tropical American shrubs or small trees.

  • Mitchella 1 facts

    Creeping evergreen herbs of North America.

  • Nauclea 1 facts

    Small genus of evergreen tropical shrubs or trees with smooth leathery leaves.

  • Pinckneya 1 facts

    Small genus of shrubs or small trees of southeastern United States and northern South...

  • Psychotria 1 facts

    Tropical chiefly South American shrubs and trees.

  • Sarcocephalus 1 facts

    Genus of tropical African trees and shrubs.

Also contains

  • madderwort 2 facts

    Any of numerous trees or shrubs or vines of the family Rubiaceae.