
Of tree and Palmae.   May also be referred to as palm tree.

Any plant of the family Palmae having an unbranched trunk crowned by large pinnate or palmate leaves.

This concept's ID is @1~63003


  • royal palm 0 facts

    Tall feather palm of southern Florida and Cuba.

  • cabbage palm 0 facts

    West Indian palm with leaf buds that are edible when young.

Also contains

  • feather palm 10 facts

    Palm having pinnate or featherlike leaves.

  • fan palm 10 facts

    Palm having palmate or fan-shaped leaves.

  • sago palm 3 facts

    Any of various tropical Asian palm trees the trunks of which yield sago.

  • raffia palm 3 facts

    A large feather palm of Africa and Madagascar having very long pinnatisect fronds yielding...

  • lady palm 2 facts

    Any of several small palms of the genus Rhapis; cultivated as houseplants.

  • calamus 2 facts

    Any tropical Asian palm of the genus Calamus; light tough stems are a source of rattan ...

  • nipa palm 1 facts

    Any creeping semiaquatic feather palm of the genus Nipa found in mangrove swamps and tidal...

  • coconut 1 facts

    Tall palm tree bearing coconuts as fruits; widely planted throughout the tropics.

  • cabbage palm 0 facts

    Brazilian palm of genus Euterpe whose leaf buds are eaten like cabbage when young.

  • cabbage tree 0 facts

    Australian palm with leaf buds that are edible when young.

  • fishtail palm 0 facts

    Attractive East Indian palm having distinctive bipinnate foliage.

  • corozo 0 facts

    Any of several tropical American palms bearing corozo nuts.