
Of Compositae and subshrub.

Any of several low composite herbs of the genera Artemisia or Seriphidium.

This concept's ID is @1~59900

Genus Artemisia

  • mugwort 2 facts

    Any of several weedy composite plants of the genus Artemisia.

  • southernwood 0 facts

    Shrubby European wormwood naturalized in North America; sometimes used in brewing ...

  • absinthe 0 facts

    Aromatic herb of temperate Eurasia and North Africa having a bitter taste used in making...

  • sweet wormwood 0 facts

    Wormwood of southeastern Europe to Iran.

  • field wormwood 0 facts

    European wormwood similar to common wormwood in its properties.

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    Silky-leaved aromatic perennial of dry northern parts of the northern hemisphere;...

  • Roman wormwood 0 facts

    European wormwood; minor source of absinthe.

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    Herb with greyish leaves found along the east coast of North America; used as an ornamental...

Also contains

  • sea wormwood 0 facts

    Plants of western and northern European coasts.