
Of bush.   May also be referred to as suffrutex.

Low-growing woody shrub or perennial with woody base.

This concept's ID is @1~65588

Genus Aralia

  • wild sarsaparilla 0 facts

    Common perennial herb having aromatic roots used as a substitute for sarsaparilla;...

  • American spikenard 0 facts

    Unarmed woody rhizomatous perennial plant distinguished from wild sarsaparilla...

  • bristly sarsaparilla 0 facts

    Bristly herb of eastern and central North America having black fruit and medicinal...


  • false heather 0 facts

    North American decumbent evergreen heathlike plant with yellow flowers.

  • beach heather 0 facts

    Small heathlike plant covered with white down growing on beaches in northeastern North...


  • guayule 0 facts

    Much-branched subshrub with silvery leaves and small white flowers of Texas and northern...

  • American feverfew 0 facts

    Stout perennial herb of the eastern United States with whitish flowers; leaves...


  • restharrow 0 facts

    European woody plant having pink flowers and unifoliate leaves and long tough roots;...

  • restharrow 0 facts

    Eurasian plant having loose racemes of pink or purple flowers and spiny stems and tough...


  • wormwood 9 facts

    Any of several low composite herbs of the genera Artemisia or Seriphidium.

  • sagebrush 5 facts

    Any of several North American composite subshrubs of the genera Artemis or Seriphidiu...


  • sweet vetch 0 facts

    Perennial of western United States having racemes of pink to purple flowers followed...

  • French honeysuckle 0 facts

    Perennial of southern Europe cultivated for forage and for its nectar-rich pink...

Also contains

  • St John's wort 10 facts

    Any of numerous plants of the genus Hypericum having yellow flowers and transparently...

  • avens 7 facts

    Any of various perennials of the genus Geum having usually pinnate basal leaves and variously...

  • sticktight 5 facts

    Any of several plants of the genus Bidens having yellow flowers and prickly fruits that...

  • milkwort 5 facts

    Any of various plants of the genus Polygala.

  • centaury 4 facts

    Any plant of the genus Centaurea.

  • matchweed 3 facts

    Any of several plants of the genus Gutierrezia having tiny flower heads that resemble...

  • darling pea 2 facts

    Either of two Australian plants of the genus Swainsona that are poisonous to sheep.

  • burdock 2 facts

    Any of several erect biennial herbs of temperate Eurasia having stout taproots and producing...

  • hoary pea 2 facts

    A plant of the genus Tephrosia having pinnate leaves and white or purplish flowers and...

  • loosestrife 2 facts

    Any of numerous herbs and subshrubs of the genus Lythrum.

  • eriogonum 2 facts

    Any plant of the genus Eriogonum with small clustered flowers.

  • periwinkle 2 facts

    Chiefly trailing poisonous plants with blue flowers.

  • twinflower 1 facts

    Creeping evergreen subshrub of the northern parts of Europe and Asia with delicate fragrant...

  • tick trefoil 1 facts

    Any of various tropical and subtropical plants having trifoliate leaves and rough sticky...

  • bloodleaf 1 facts

    Any plant of the genus Iresine having colored foliage.

  • woodruff 1 facts

    Any plant of the genus Asperula.

  • thrift 1 facts

    Any of numerous sun-loving low-growing evergreens of the genus Armeria having round heads...

  • horseshoe vetch 0 facts

    European woody perennial with yellow umbellate flowers followed by flattened pods...

  • corchorus 0 facts

    Any of various plants of the genus Corchorus having large leaves and cymose clusters of...

  • Western sand cherry 0 facts

    Dwarf ornamental shrub of western United States having large black to red and...

  • deer grass 0 facts

    Any of several plants of the genus Rhexia usually having pink-purple to magenta flowers;...

  • cube 0 facts

    Any of several tropical American woody plants of the genus Lonchocarpus whose roots are used...

  • bacon and eggs 0 facts

    European forage plant having claw-shaped pods introduced in America.

  • compass plant 0 facts

    North American annual with red or rose-colored flowers.

  • marguerite 0 facts

    Perennial subshrub of the Canary Islands having usually pale yellow daisylike flowers;...

  • coral gem 0 facts

    Low-growing much-branched perennial of Canary Islands having orange-red to scarlet or...

  • wild lupine 0 facts

    Stout perennial of eastern and central North America having palmate leaves and showy...

  • prince's-plume 0 facts

    Perennial of southwestern United States having leathery blue-green pinnatifid leaves...

  • prince's-feather 0 facts

    Annual with broadly ovate leaves and slender drooping spikes of crimson flowers;...

  • diapensia 0 facts

    Any boreal low-growing evergreen plant of the genus Diapensia.

  • mountain avens 0 facts

    Creeping evergreen shrub with large white flowers; widely distributed in northern...

  • partridge pea 0 facts

    Tropical American plant having leaflets somewhat sensitive to the touch; sometimes...

  • blue star 0 facts

    Subshrubs of southeastern United States forming slow-growing clumps and having blue flowers...

  • chaffweed 0 facts

    Weedy plant having short dry chafflike leaves.

  • sicklepod 0 facts

    Cosmopolitan tropical herb or subshrub with yellow flowers and slender curved pods; a...

  • matilija poppy 0 facts

    Tall branching subshrub of California and Mexico often cultivated for its silvery-blue...

  • sea lavender 0 facts

    Any of various plants of the genus Limonium of temperate salt marshes having spikes...

This concept has too many facts and some have been omitted from this Knowledge Card view.