Liliid Monocot Genus

Of monocot genus and Liliidae.

Genus of monocotyledonous plants comprising mostly herbs having usually petaloid sepals and petals and compound pistils.

This concept's ID is @1~58305


  • Calochortus 10 facts

    Large genus of western North American leafy-stemmed bulbous herbs.

  • Camassia 4 facts

    Genus of scapose herbs of North and South America having large edible bulbs.

  • Aletris 3 facts

    Small genus of bitter-rooted herbs of eastern North America and Asia; sometimes placed in...

  • Allium 3 facts

    Large genus of perennial and biennial pungent bulbous plants: garlic; leek; onion; chive...

  • genus Asparagus 3 facts

    Large genus of Old World perennial herbs with erect or spreading or climbing stems...

  • Lilium 2 facts

    Type genus of Liliaceae.

  • genus Agapanthus 2 facts

    Small genus of South African evergreen or deciduous plants; sometimes placed in...

  • genus Alstroemeria 2 facts

    Genus of showy South American herbs with leafy stems; sometimes placed in family...

  • Anthericum 2 facts

    Genus of Old World (mainly African) perennial herbs; sometimes placed in family Asph...

  • Asphodeline 2 facts

    Genus of rhizomatous perennial or biennial herbs with numerous sometimes fragrant flowers...

  • genus Brodiaea 2 facts

    Genus of western United States bulbous plants with basal leaves and variously colored...

  • Erythronium 2 facts

    Perennial bulbous herbs most of northern United States: dogtooth violet; adder's tongue;...

  • Hemerocallis 2 facts

    East Asian rhizomatous clump-forming perennial herbs having flowers on long leafless...

  • Tofieldia 2 facts

    Genus of perennial herbs of cool temperate regions; sometimes placed in family Melant...

  • genus Albuca 1 facts

    Genus of bulbous plants of South Africa; sometimes placed in subfamily Hyacinthace...

  • genus Aloe 1 facts

    Large genus of chiefly African liliaceous plants; in some systems placed in family A...

  • genus Kniphofia 1 facts

    Genus of showy clump-forming African herbs with grasslike leaves; sometimes placed...

  • Amianthum 1 facts

    One species: fly poison; sometimes placed in family Melanthiaceae.

  • genus Aspidistra 1 facts

    Genus of eastern Asiatic herbs; sometimes placed in the family Convallariaceae.

  • Bessera 1 facts

    Small genus of cormous perennials of Mexico; sometimes placed in family Alliaceae.

  • Blandfordia 1 facts

    Small genus of tuberous Australian perennial herbs.

  • Bloomeria 1 facts

    Small genus of bulbous perennial herbs of southwestern United States and Mexico; sometimes...

  • Bowiea 1 facts

    Small genus of tropical African perennial bulbous herbs with deciduous twining stems; sometimes...

  • Fritillaria 1 facts


  • Tulipa 1 facts

    Eurasian perennial bulbous herbs.

  • Colchicum 1 facts

    Chiefly fall-blooming perennial cormous herbs; sometimes placed in family Colchicacea...

  • genus Gloriosa 1 facts

    Sometimes placed in family Colchicaceae; one species: glory lily.

  • Hosta 1 facts

    Robust east Asian clump-forming perennial herbs having racemose flowers: plantain lilies;...

  • genus Hyacinthus 1 facts

    Sometimes placed in family Hyacinthaceae as the type genus.

  • Hyacinthoides 1 facts

    Small genus of perennial bulbs of western Europe and North Africa; sometimes placed...

  • Ornithogalum 1 facts

    Sometimes placed in family Hyacinthaceae.

  • Muscari 1 facts

    Sometimes placed in family Hyacinthaceae.

  • genus Scilla 1 facts

    Sometimes placed in subfamily Hyacinthaceae.

  • Aphyllanthes 0 facts

    One species; small fibrous-rooted perennial with rushlike foliage and deep blue flowers;...

  • Asphodelus 0 facts

    Small genus of tall striking annuals or perennials with grasslike foliage and flowers...


  • genus Iris 4 facts

    Large genus of perennials that develop from bulbs or rhizomes.

  • Belamcanda 1 facts

    A monocotyledonous genus of the family Iridaceae.

  • genus Crocus 1 facts

    A monocotyledonous genus of the family Iridaceae.

  • genus Freesia 1 facts

    Cormous perennial herbs; native to South Africa.

  • genus Gladiolus 1 facts


  • Ixia 1 facts

    A monocotyledonous genus of the family Iridaceae.

  • Sisyrinchium 1 facts

    Chiefly North American grasslike herbs.

  • Sparaxis 1 facts

    Deciduous perennial herbs of South Africa.


  • Bomarea 2 facts

    Large genus of tropical American vines having showy often spotted umbellate flowers; sometimes...

  • Haemanthus 2 facts

    Genus of African deciduous or evergreen bulbous herbs: blood lilies.

  • genus Amaryllis 1 facts

    Type genus of the Amaryllidaceae; bulbous flowering plants of southern Africa.

  • genus Hippeastrum 1 facts

    Bulbous flowering plants of tropical America.

  • genus Narcissus 1 facts

    Old World perennial bulbous herbs.

  • Strekelia 1 facts

    A monocotyledonous genus of the amaryllis family.

Also contains

  • Hypoxis 1 facts

    Small plants that resemble amaryllis and that grow from a corm and bear flowers on a leafless...

This concept has too many facts and some have been omitted from this Knowledge Card view.