Monocot Genus

Of genus and Monocotyledones.   May also be referred to as liliopsid genus.

Genus of flowering plants having a single cotyledon (embryonic leaf) in the seed.

This concept's ID is @1~58304


  • genus Amorphophallus 4 facts

    Genus of large tropical east Asian cormous aroids: devil's tongue; snake p...

  • genus Arum 2 facts

    Type genus of the Araceae: tuberous perennial herbs of Europe and Asia with usually heart-shaped...

  • Arisaema 2 facts

    Tuberous or rhizomatous herbaceous perennials.

  • Acorus 1 facts

    Sweet flags; sometimes placed in subfamily Acoraceae.

  • Aglaonema 1 facts

    Climbing herbs of southeastern Asia having thick fleshy oblong leaves and naked unisexual...

  • genus Alocasia 1 facts

    Tropical Asiatic herbs similar to Colocasia but distinguished by a large sterile...

  • genus Anthurium 1 facts

    Large genus of often epiphytic evergreen tropical American plants often cultivated...

  • Arisarum 1 facts

    Tuberous or rhizomatous perennial herbs; mainly Mediterranean area.

  • genus Caladium 1 facts

    Small genus of tropical South American tuberous perennials with large variously colored...

  • Calla 1 facts

    Water arum.

  • Colocasia 1 facts

    Small genus of perennial tuberous herbs of tropical Asia: taro.

  • genus Cryptocoryne 1 facts

    Water trumpet; aquatic herbs having broad leaves and long slender spathes; often...

  • Dieffenbachia 1 facts

    Evergreen perennial herbs of tropical America with lush foliage and poisonous sap...

  • genus Dracontium 1 facts

    Small genus of tropical American cormous herbs.

  • Dracunculus 1 facts

    Tuberous herbaceous perennials: dragon arum.

  • Epipremnum 1 facts

    Small genus of evergreen lianas of southeastern Asia to western Pacific areas.

  • genus Monstera 1 facts

    Tropical American climbing plant with deeply incised leaves.

  • genus Nephthytis 1 facts

    Small genus of tropical western African creeping or twining herbs.

  • Orontium 1 facts

    One species of aquatic plant: golden club.

  • Peltandra 1 facts

    Small genus of North American marsh or aquatic herbs.

  • genus Philodendron 1 facts

    Any of several tropical American climbing plants with smooth shiny evergreen...

  • genus Pistia 1 facts

    One species: water lettuce.

  • Scindapsus 1 facts

    Evergreen climbers with adhesive adventitious roots; southeastern Asia and Brazil.

  • genus Spathiphyllum 1 facts

    Evergreen rhizomatous perennials of tropical America and Philippines and In...

  • Symplocarpus 1 facts

    One species: skunk cabbage.

  • Xanthosoma 1 facts

    Tropical American tuberous perennials.

  • Zantedeschia 1 facts

    Calla lily.

  • Lysichiton 0 facts

    Skunk cabbage.

  • Syngonium 0 facts

    Epiphytic or terrestrial climbing shrubs of Central and South America; used as ornamental...


  • genus Arethusa 2 facts

    Genus of bog orchids of North America and Japan.

  • Brassia 2 facts

    Genus of tropical American epiphytic orchids having striking axillary racemes of yellow...

  • genus Caladenia 2 facts

    Terrestrial orchids of Australia to New Caledonia.

  • genus Orchis 1 facts

    Type genus of the orchid family; hardy terrestrial orchids of the temperate the northern...

  • genus Aerides 1 facts

    Epiphytic orchids of tropical Asia having stiff leaves and fragrant white flowers...

  • genus Angrecum 1 facts

    Genus of tropical Old World epiphytic orchids with showy flowers sometimes grote...

  • Anoectochilus 1 facts

    Genus of delicate Asiatic orchids.

  • Aplectrum 1 facts

    A monocotyledonous genus of the family Orchidaceae.

  • genus Bletia 1 facts

    Genus of tropical American terrestrial orchids with large purple or pink flowers.

  • Bletilla 1 facts

    Small genus of chiefly east Asiatic hardy terrestrial orchids similar to genus Bletia.

  • genus Brassavola 1 facts

    Genus of tropical American epiphytic or lithophytic rhizomatous orchids.

  • genus Calanthe 1 facts

    Large and widely distributed genus of terrestrial orchids.

  • Calopogon 1 facts

    Terrestrial orchids of North America.

  • Catasetum 1 facts

    Genus of tropical American orchids having showy male and female flowers usually on separate...

  • genus Calypso 0 facts

    One species found throughout much of northern North America and Eurasia.


  • Lemna 2 facts

    Minute aquatic herbs floating on or below the water surface of still water consisting of a...

  • Spirodela 1 facts

    Minute aquatic herbs floating on the water surface consisting of a shiny leaflike frond...

  • Wolffia 1 facts

    Minute rootless aquatic herbs having globular fronds floating on or near the water surface...

  • Wolffiella 1 facts

    Minute rootless aquatic herbs having flat fronds floating on or below the water surface...

Also contains

  • liliid monocot genus 73 facts

    Genus of monocotyledonous plants comprising mostly herbs having usually petaloid...

  • Juncus 1 facts

    Type genus of the Juncaceae; perennial tufted glabrous marsh plants of temperate regions:...

This concept has too many facts and some have been omitted from this Knowledge Card view.