
Of Great Britain, Lord and peerage.

A nobleman (duke or marquis or earl or viscount or baron) who is a member of the British peerage.

This concept's ID is @1~55248


  • earl 2 facts

    A British peer ranking below a marquess and above a viscount.

  • duke 2 facts

    A British peer of the highest rank.

  • peer of the realm 0 facts

    A peer who is entitled to sit in the House of Lords.

  • Earl Marshal 0 facts

    An officer of the English peerage who organizes royal processions and other ceremo...

  • marquess 0 facts

    A British peer ranking below a duke and above an earl.

  • baron 0 facts

    A British peer of the lowest rank.

  • life peer 0 facts

    A British peer whose title lapses at death.

  • viscount 0 facts

    A British peer who ranks below an earl and above a baron.

  • viscountess 0 facts

    A noblewoman holding the rank of viscount in her own right.