
Of seasoning.

Aromatic potherb used in cookery for its savory qualities.

This concept's ID is @1~42117


  • tea 4 facts

    Dried leaves of the tea shrub; used to make tea; "the store shelves held many different kinds...

  • savory 2 facts

    Either of two aromatic herbs of the mint family.

  • sage 1 facts

    Aromatic fresh or dried grey-green leaves used widely as seasoning for meats and fowl and game...

  • dill 0 facts

    Aromatic threadlike foliage of the dill plant used as seasoning.

  • sweet woodruff 0 facts

    Fragrant dark green leaves used to flavor May wine.

  • sweet cicely 0 facts

    Fresh ferny leaves and green seeds used as garnish in salads and cold vegetables; dried...

  • tarragon 0 facts

    Fresh leaves (or leaves preserved in vinegar) used as seasoning.

  • thyme 0 facts

    Leaves can be used as seasoning for almost any meat and stews and stuffings and vegetable...

  • chervil 0 facts

    Fresh ferny parsley-like leaves used as a garnish with chicken and veal and omelets and...

  • marjoram 0 facts

    Pungent leaves used as seasoning with meats and fowl and in stews and soups and omelet...

  • caraway 0 facts

    Leaves used sparingly in soups and stews.

  • lemon balm 0 facts

    Lemony leaves used for a tisane or in soups or fruit punches.

  • mint 0 facts

    The leaves of a mint plant used fresh or candied.

  • costmary 0 facts

    Leaves used sparingly (because of bitter overtones) in sauces and soups and stuffings.

  • bay leaf 0 facts

    Dried leaf of the bay laurel.

  • coriander 0 facts

    Parsley-like herb used as seasoning or garnish.

  • angelica 0 facts

    Aromatic stems or leaves or roots of Angelica Archangelica.

  • fennel 0 facts

    Leaves used for seasoning.

  • lovage 0 facts

    Stalks eaten like celery or candied like angelica; seeds used for flavoring or pickled like...

  • basil 0 facts

    Leaves of the common basil; used fresh or dried.

  • chives 0 facts

    Cylindrical leaves used fresh as a mild onion-flavored seasoning.

  • fines herbes 0 facts

    A mixture of finely chopped fresh herbs; "an omelet flavored with fines herbes".

  • rosemary 0 facts

    Extremely pungent leaves used fresh or dried as seasoning for especially meats.

  • rue 0 facts

    Leaves sometimes used for flavoring fruit or claret cup but should be used with great caution:...

  • borage 0 facts

    An herb whose leaves are used to flavor sauces and punches; young leaves can be eaten in...

  • hyssop 0 facts

    Bitter leaves used sparingly in salads; dried flowers used in soups and tisanes.

  • comfrey 0 facts

    Leaves make a popular tisane; young leaves used in salads or cooked.

  • parsley 0 facts

    Aromatic herb with flat or crinkly leaves that are cut finely and used to garnish food.