
Of foodstuff.   May also be referred to as cereal and food grain.

Foodstuff prepared from the starchy grains of cereal grasses.

This concept's ID is @1~42061


  • corn 4 facts

    Ears of corn that can be prepared and served for human food.

  • rice 3 facts

    Grains used as food either unpolished or more often polished.

  • wheat 3 facts

    Grains of common wheat; sometimes cooked whole or cracked as cereal; usually ground into ...

  • malt 2 facts

    A cereal grain (usually barley) that is kiln-dried after having been germinated by soaking...

  • barley 1 facts

    A grain of barley.

  • buckwheat 0 facts

    Grain ground into flour.

  • oat 0 facts

    Seed of the annual grass Avena sativa (spoken of primarily in the plural as `oats').

  • wild rice 0 facts

    Grains of aquatic grass of North America.

  • grist 0 facts

    Grain intended to be or that has been ground.

  • groats 0 facts

    The hulled and crushed grain of various cereals.

  • millet 0 facts

    Small seed of any of various annual cereal grasses especially Setaria italica.