
Of food.

Edible fish (broadly including freshwater fish) or shellfish or roe etc.

This concept's ID is @1~41894


  • saltwater fish 30 facts

    Flesh of fish from the sea used as food.

  • freshwater fish 12 facts

    Flesh of fish from fresh water used as food.

  • shellfish 10 facts

    Meat of edible aquatic invertebrate with a shell (especially a mollusk or crustacean).

  • roe 3 facts

    Fish eggs or egg-filled ovary; having a grainy texture.

  • shrimp 1 facts

    Any of various edible decapod crustaceans.

  • squid 0 facts

    (Italian cuisine) squid prepared as food.

  • octopus 0 facts

    Tentacles of octopus prepared as food.

  • periwinkle 0 facts

    Small edible marine snail; steamed in wine or baked.

  • whelk 0 facts

    Large marine snail much used as food in Europe.

  • whitefish 0 facts

    Any market fish--edible saltwater fish or shellfish--except herring.

  • milt 0 facts

    Fish sperm or sperm-filled reproductive gland; having a creamy texture.