• Every EKG page represents a concept - a person, place, event, product or other thing.

• Concepts represent nouns, so all words you use get converted - even the verbs.

• An EKG fact is just a connection - it connects one concept to another.

kaybot (or kbot) is a conversational agent that listens to your comments.

• Your comment can be a search or a question. It can also be a request to change facts if you have Editor permissions.

• A properly-formatted EKG English comment creates, changes or deletes a connection (your fact).

• A Knowledge Card describes a concept in terms of other concepts and lists each of its facts.

• A Context Graph provides a graphical view of a concept's important relationships.

• A Concept Stream displays comments made about the current concept by you, kaybot, and other editors and users.

• A User Stream shows the conversation between you and kaybot as you travel amongst the concepts of your knowledge graph.

• Addressed to kaybot or kbot

• Of the form subject ~ verb phrase ~ object - in that order.

Subject - since it's the subject of the page, you can optionally use she, they, it, this...

Verb phrase - the section in the middle that has a verb in it. Something like is a, is connected to, married...

Object - the word or name of the concept you want to connect to.

• Use NOT to remove an existing fact.

kaybot, this is a knowledge graph tool

kbot, this depends on GraphBase

kaybot, this is connected to natural language understanding

kbot, this does not use RDF

kaybot, they are a @3782~167

kaybot, EKG is a @3782~272

If you have Editor permissions, use the Edit menu option. If you choose the New Concept option, it will be created beneath the one you've currently selected.

See something that needs to be fixed or improved? A concept or fact that needs to be added? Some other feedback or advice?

Send us email at kgkg@factnexus.com