
Of Anatidae and aquatic bird.

Stately heavy-bodied aquatic bird with very long neck and usually white plumage as adult.

This concept's ID is @1~9466


  • tundra swan 2 facts

    Swan that nests in tundra regions of the New and Old Worlds.

  • mute swan 0 facts

    Soundless Eurasian swan; commonly domesticated.

  • whooper 0 facts

    Common Old World swan noted for its whooping call.

  • trumpeter 0 facts

    Large pure white wild swan of western North America having a sonorous cry.

  • black swan 0 facts

    Large Australian swan having black plumage and a red bill.

Also contains

  • swan's down 0 facts

    Down of the swan.

  • cygnet 0 facts

    A young swan.

  • coscoroba 0 facts

    Large white South American bird intermediate in some respects between ducks and swans.

  • cob 0 facts

    Adult male swan.

  • pen 0 facts

    Female swan.