
Of point.   May also be referred to as instant, minute and moment.

A particular point in time; "the moment he arrived the party began".

This concept's ID is @1~77303


  • time 2 facts

    A suitable moment; "it is time to go".

  • moment of truth 0 facts

    The moment in a bullfight when the matador kills the bull.

  • psychological moment 0 facts

    The most appropriate time for achieving a desired effect.

  • moment of truth 0 facts

    A crucial moment on which much depends.

  • climax 0 facts

    The decisive moment in a novel or play; "the deathbed scene is the climax of the play".

  • eleventh hour 0 facts

    The latest possible moment; "money became available at the eleventh hour"; "at the...

  • pinpoint 0 facts

    A very brief moment; "they were strangers sharing a pinpoint of time together".