
Of Gregorian calendar and Gregorian calendar month.   May also be referred to as Feb.

The month following January and preceding March.

This concept's ID is @1~77111


  • leap day 0 facts

    The name of the day that is added during a leap year.

  • Groundhog Day 0 facts

    If the ground hog emerges and sees his shadow on this day, there will be 6 more weeks...

  • Lincoln's Birthday 0 facts

    The day on which President Abraham Lincoln is remembered.

  • Valentine Day 0 facts

    A day for the exchange of tokens of affection.

  • Washington's Birthday 0 facts

    The day on which George Washington is remembered.

Also contains

  • Presidents' Day 0 facts

    The third Monday in February; commemorates both presidents Lincoln and Washingt...

  • Candlemas 0 facts

    Feast day commemorating the presentation of Christ in the temple; a quarter day in Sc...

  • mid-February 0 facts

    The middle part of February.