Jewish Holy Day

Of religious holiday.

A religious holiday for Jews.

This concept's ID is @1~76964


  • Succoth 0 facts

    A major Jewish festival beginning on the eve of the 15th of Tishri and commemorating the...

  • Rosh Hodesh 0 facts

    (Judaism) the beginning of each month in the Jewish calendar; marked by a special l...

  • Purim 0 facts

    (Judaism) a Jewish holy day commemorating their deliverance from massacre by Haman.

  • Shavous 0 facts

    (Judaism) Jewish holy day celebrated on the sixth of Sivan to celebrate Moses receiving...

  • Shimchath Torah 0 facts

    (Judaism) a Jewish holy day celebrated on the 22nd or 23rd of Tishri to celebrate...

  • Tishah b'Av 0 facts

    (Judaism) a major fast day on the Jewish calendar commemorating the destruction of the...

  • Hanukkah 0 facts

    (Judaism) an eight-day Jewish holiday commemorating the rededication of the Temple of Jerusalem...

  • Lag b'Omer 0 facts

    (Judaism) Jewish holy day; the 33rd day after the 2nd day of Passover; the 18th day of...

Also contains

  • High Holy Day 2 facts

    Jewish holy days observed with particular solemnity.