
Of Aves, vertebrate and flock.

Warm-blooded egg-laying vertebrates characterized by feathers and forelimbs modified as wings.

This concept's ID is @1~7550


  • wing 7 facts

    A movable organ for flying (one of a pair).

  • pennon 0 facts

    Wing of a bird.

Also contains

  • feather 12 facts

    The light horny waterproof structure forming the external covering of birds.

  • gallinaceous bird 11 facts

    Heavy-bodied largely ground-feeding domestic or game birds.

  • parrot 11 facts

    Usually brightly colored zygodactyl tropical birds with short hooked beaks and the ability...

  • bird 10 facts

    The flesh of a bird or fowl (wild or domestic) used as food.

  • ratite 8 facts

    Flightless birds having flat breastbones lacking a keel for attachment of flight muscles:...

  • coraciiform bird 8 facts

    Chiefly short-legged arboreal nonpasserine birds that nest in holes.

  • passerine 7 facts

    Perching birds mostly small and living near the ground with feet having 4 toes arranged...

  • bird's foot 6 facts

    The foot of a bird.

  • piciform bird 6 facts

    Any of numerous nonpasserine insectivorous climbing birds usually having strong bills...

  • bird of prey 6 facts

    Any of numerous carnivorous birds that hunt and kill other animals.

  • aquatic bird 5 facts

    Wading and swimming and diving birds of either fresh or salt water.

  • apodiform bird 3 facts

    Nonpasserine bird having long wings and weak feet; spends much of its time in fl...

  • caprimulgiform bird 3 facts

    Long-winged nonpasserine birds.

  • cuculiform bird 2 facts

    Birds having zygodactyl feet (except for the touracos).

  • bill 1 facts

    Horny projecting mouth of a bird.

  • cock 1 facts

    Adult male bird.

  • hindquarters 1 facts

    The part of an animal that corresponds to the human buttocks.

  • night bird 1 facts

    Any bird associated with night: owl; nightingale; nighthawk; etc.

  • furcula 1 facts

    A forked bone formed by the fusion of the clavicles of most birds.

  • carinate 1 facts

    Birds having keeled breastbones for attachment of flight muscles.

  • trogon 1 facts

    Forest bird of warm regions of the New World having brilliant lustrous plumage and long ...

  • air sac 0 facts

    Any of the membranous air-filled extensions of the lungs of birds.

  • dickeybird 0 facts

    Small bird; adults talking to children sometimes use these words to refer to small b...

  • hen 0 facts

    Adult female bird.

  • nester 0 facts

    A bird that has built (or is building) a nest.

  • bird of passage 0 facts

    Any bird that migrates seasonally.

  • protoavis 0 facts

    Most primitive avian type known; extinct bird of the Triassic having bird-like jaw and...

  • archaeopteryx 0 facts

    Extinct primitive toothed bird of the Jurassic period having a long feathered tail...

  • Sinornis 0 facts

    Sparrow-sized fossil bird of the Jurassic period to the Cretaceous period having a keeled...

  • Ibero-mesornis 0 facts

    Sparrow-sized fossil bird of the Cretaceous period having a vestigial tail; found...

  • archaeornis 0 facts

    Extinct primitive toothed bird with a long feathered tail and three free clawed digits...

  • uropygium 0 facts

    Posterior part of a bird's body from which the tail feathers grow.

  • syrinx 0 facts

    The vocal organ of a bird.

  • twitterer 0 facts

    A bird that twitters.

  • uropygial gland 0 facts

    Oil-secreting gland situated at the base of the tail in most birds.

  • nonpasserine bird 0 facts

    Chiefly arboreal birds especially of the order Coraciiformes.