
Of class and Chondrichthyes.   May also be referred to as Selachii, subclass Elasmobranchii and subclass Selachii.

Sharks; rays; dogfishes; skates.

This concept's ID is @1~7437

Fish Family

  • Carcharhinidae 6 facts

    Largest family of living sharks; found worldwide especially in tropical waters; dorsal...

  • Lamnidae 4 facts

    Oceanic sharks.

  • Triakidae 3 facts

    Small sharks with smooth skins and lacking spines on their dorsal fins.

  • Orectolobidae 2 facts

    Nurse sharks and carpet sharks.

  • Squalidae 2 facts

    Dogfishes having a spine in each dorsal fin.

  • Hexanchidae 1 facts

    Primitive sharks.

  • Alopiidae 1 facts

    Thresher sharks.

  • Carchariidae 1 facts

    Sand sharks; in some classifications coextensive with family Carcharhinidae.

  • Rhincodontidae 1 facts

    Small-toothed sharks comprising only one species.

  • Scyliorhinidae 1 facts

    Small bottom-dwelling sharks.

  • Sphyrnidae 1 facts

    Hammerhead sharks; bonnethead sharks.

  • Squatinidae 1 facts

    Bottom-dwelling ray-like sharks.

  • Cetorhinidae 0 facts

    In some older classifications considered the family of the basking sharks.

Animal Order

  • Rajiformes 6 facts

    Fish with dorsoventrally flattened bodies; includes: rays; skates; guitarfishes; saw...

  • Torpediniformes 1 facts

    Rays with bodies shaped like torpedoes.

Also contains

  • elasmobranch 2 facts

    Any of numerous fishes of the class Chondrichthyes characterized by a cartilaginous...