
Of compound.

Any of various water-soluble compounds having a sour taste and capable of turning litmus red and reacting with a base to form a salt.

This concept's ID is @1~73780


  • carboxylic acid 14 facts

    An organic acid characterized by one or more carboxyl groups.

  • hydroxy acid 4 facts

    Any acid that has hydroxyl groups in addition to the hydroxyl group in the acid it...

  • boric acid 1 facts

    Any of various acids containing boron and oxygen.

  • monobasic acid 0 facts

    An acid containing only one replaceable hydrogen atom per molecule.

  • chlorous acid 0 facts

    (HClO2) a strongly oxidizing acid; known only in solution.

  • dibasic acid 0 facts

    An acid containing two replaceable hydrogen atoms per molecule.

  • cyanamide 0 facts

    A weak soluble dibasic acid (the parent acid of cyanamide salts).

  • tribasic acid 0 facts

    An acid containing three replaceable hydrogen atoms per molecule.

  • fulminic acid 0 facts

    (CNOH) an unstable acid occurring mainly in the form of explosive salts and esters...

  • tetrabasic acid 0 facts

    An acid containing four replaceable hydrogen atoms per molecule.

  • cyanic acid 0 facts

    A colorless poisonous volatile liquid acid that hydrolyzes readily to ammonia and carbon...

  • gamma acid 0 facts

    A crystalline acid used to make azo dyes.

  • fluoroboric acid 0 facts

    An acid of fluorine and boron.

  • cyanuric acid 0 facts

    A trimer of cyanic acid.

  • carbolic acid 0 facts

    A toxic white soluble crystalline acidic derivative of benzene; used in manufacturing...

  • boric acid 0 facts

    A white or colorless slightly acid solid that is soluble in water and ethanol; used in...

  • hydriodic acid 0 facts

    (HI) a colorless or yellow aqueous solution of hydrogen iodide; "hydriodic acid is...

  • hydrocyanic acid 0 facts

    A solution of hydrogen cyanide in water; weak solutions are used in fumigating...

  • fluosilicic acid 0 facts

    An unstable poisonous corrosive acid known primarily in the form of its salts.

  • hyponitrous acid 0 facts

    An explosive white crystalline weak acid (H2N2O2).

  • formic acid 0 facts

    A colorless pungent fuming vesicatory liquid acid HCOOH found naturally in ants and...

  • manganic acid 0 facts

    A dibasic acid (H2MnO4) found only in solution and in manganate salts.

  • lysergic acid 0 facts

    A crystalline acid often used in medical research; obtained from ergotic alkaloid...

  • aminobenzoic acid 0 facts

    A derivative of benzoic acid.

  • bromic acid 0 facts

    An unstable acid used as an oxidizing agent.

  • methacrylic acid 0 facts

    An unsaturated acid (C4H6O2) used to make resins and plastics.

  • fumaric acid 0 facts

    A colorless crystalline acid with a fruity taste; used in making polyester resins.

  • selenic acid 0 facts

    A strong acid (H2SeO4) analogous to sulfuric acid.

  • nitrous acid 0 facts

    An unstable inorganic acid known only in solution and as nitrite salts.

  • cerotic acid 0 facts

    A white solid fatty acid found in waxes (such as beeswax).

  • nitric acid 0 facts

    Acid used especially in the production of fertilizers and explosives and rocket fue...

  • sulfonic acid 0 facts

    An acid derived from sulphuric acid.

  • gallic acid 0 facts

    A colorless crystalline acid obtained from tannin.

  • titanic acid 0 facts

    A white weak acid that is a hydrated form of titanium dioxide.

  • aqua regia 0 facts

    A yellow fuming corrosive mixture of nitric and hydrochloric acid that dissolves metals...

  • chromic acid 0 facts

    An unstable acid known only in solution and as chromate salts.

  • lansoprazole 0 facts

    Antacid (trade name Prevacid) that suppresses acid secretion in the stomach.

  • citric acid 0 facts

    A weak water-soluble acid found in many fruits (especially citrus fruits); used as a...

  • carbamic acid 0 facts

    An acid that is known only by virtue of its salts (as ammonium carbamate) or its esters...

  • barbituric acid 0 facts

    A white crystalline acid derived from pyrimidine; used in preparing barbiturate...

  • glyceric acid 0 facts

    A syrupy acid obtained by oxidation of glycerol or glyceraldehyde.

  • perchloric acid 0 facts

    A powerful oxidizing agent; forms perchlorates.

  • ferricyanic acid 0 facts

    A brown unstable acid formed from ferricyanide.

  • glycolic acid 0 facts

    A translucent crystalline compound found in sugar cane and sugar beets and unripe...

  • carbonic acid 0 facts

    A weak acid known only in solution; formed when carbon dioxide combines with wate...

  • ferrocyanic acid 0 facts

    A white unstable acid formed from ferrocyanide salts.

  • hydrobromic acid 0 facts

    An aqueous solution of hydrogen bromide that is a strong liquid acid.

  • arsenic acid 0 facts

    An acid formed from arsenic pentoxide.

  • alkapton 0 facts

    An acid formed as an intermediate product of the metabolism of tyrosine and phenylalan...

  • chloric acid 0 facts

    (HClO3) a strong unstable acid with an acrid odor found in chlorate salts.

This concept has too many facts and some have been omitted from this Knowledge Card view.