Animal Disease

Of disease.

A disease that typically does not affect human beings.

This concept's ID is @1~71819

Blood Poisoning

  • fowl cholera 0 facts

    An acute diarrheal disease (especially of chickens) caused by the microorganism that...

  • shipping fever 0 facts

    A deadly form of septicemia in cattle and sheep; involves high fever and pneumonia;...

Also contains

  • zoonosis 8 facts

    An animal disease that can be transmitted to humans.

  • spavin 3 facts

    A swelling of the hock joint of a horse; resulting in lameness.

  • distemper 2 facts

    Any of various infectious viral diseases of animals.

  • sand crack 2 facts

    A fissure in the wall of a horse's hoof often causing lameness.

  • catarrhal fever 1 facts

    Any of several disease of livestock marked by fever and edema of the respiratory...

  • chorea 0 facts

    Chorea in dogs.

  • costiasis 0 facts

    A fatal disease of freshwater fish caused by a flagellated protozoan invading the ski...

  • chronic wasting disease 0 facts

    A wildlife disease (akin to bovine spongiform encephalitis) that affects...

  • creeps 0 facts

    A disease of cattle and sheep attributed to a dietary deficiency; characterized by anemia...

  • cowpox 0 facts

    A viral disease of cattle causing a mild skin disease affecting the udder; formerly used...

  • fistula 0 facts

    A chronic inflammation of the withers of a horse.

  • hemorrhagic septicemia 0 facts

    An acute infectious disease characterized by pneumonia and blood infecti...

  • fowl pest 0 facts

    Either of two acute viral diseases of domestic fowl; characterized by refusal to eat and...

  • hog cholera 0 facts

    Highly infectious virus disease of swine.

  • foot-and-mouth disease 0 facts

    Acute contagious disease of cloven-footed animals marked by ulcers in the...

  • enterotoxemia 0 facts

    A disease of cattle and sheep that is attributed to toxins absorbed from the inte...

  • black disease 0 facts

    A disease of the liver (especially in sheep and cattle) caused by liver flukes and...

  • foot rot 0 facts

    Contagious degenerative infection of the feet of hoofed animals (especially cattle and...

  • heaves 0 facts

    A chronic emphysema of the horse that causes difficult expiration and heaving of the fla...

  • warble 0 facts

    A lumpy abscess under the hide of domestic mammals caused by larvae of a botfly or warble...

  • rhinotracheitis 0 facts

    A respiratory infection of the nose and throat in cattle.

  • red water 0 facts

    A disease of cattle; characterized by hematuria.

  • scours 0 facts

    Diarrhea in livestock.

  • rinderpest 0 facts

    An acute infectious viral disease of cattle (usually fatal); characterized by fever and...

  • scrapie 0 facts

    A fatal disease of sheep characterized by chronic itching and loss of muscular control and...

  • loco disease 0 facts

    A disease of livestock caused by locoweed poisoning; characterized by weakness and...

  • mange 0 facts

    A persistent and contagious disease of the skin causing inflammation and itching and loss...

  • looping ill 0 facts

    An acute viral disease of the nervous system in sheep; can be transmitted by Ixodes...

  • murrain 0 facts

    Any disease of domestic animals that resembles a plague.

  • moon blindness 0 facts

    Recurrent eye inflammation in horses; sometimes resulting in blindness.

  • Newcastle disease 0 facts

    Disease of domestic fowl and other birds.

  • myxomatosis 0 facts

    A viral disease (usually fatal) of rabbits.

  • psittacosis 0 facts

    Infectious disease of birds.

  • pip 0 facts

    A disease of poultry.

  • gall 0 facts

    An open sore on the back of a horse caused by ill-fitting or badly adjusted saddle.

  • pullorum disease 0 facts

    A serious bacterial disease of young chickens.

  • staggers 0 facts

    A disease of the central nervous system affecting especially horses and cattle; characterized...

  • Texas fever 0 facts

    An infectious disease of cattle transmitted by the cattle tick.

  • sweating sickness 0 facts

    A disease of cattle (especially calves).

  • milk sickness 0 facts

    Disease of livestock and especially cattle poisoned by eating certain kinds of sn...

  • anaplasmosis 0 facts

    A disease of cattle that is transmitted by cattle ticks; similar to Texas fever.

  • aspergillosis 0 facts

    Severe respiratory disease of birds that takes the form of an acute rapidly fatal...

  • bighead 0 facts

    Any of various diseases of animals characterized by edema of the head and neck.

  • bovine spongiform encephalitis 0 facts

    A fatal disease of cattle that affects the central nervous system;...

  • camelpox 0 facts

    A viral disease of camels closely related to smallpox; "with a little genetic engineering...

  • bull nose 0 facts

    A disease of pigs resulting in swelling of the snout.