
Of Protozoa and protoctist.   May also be referred to as protozoon.

Any of diverse minute acellular or unicellular organisms usually nonphotosynthetic.

This concept's ID is @1~6968


  • sporozoan 15 facts

    Parasitic spore-forming protozoan.

  • flagellate 9 facts

    A usually nonphotosynthetic free-living protozoan with whiplike appendages; some are...

  • ciliate 5 facts

    A protozoan with a microscopic appendage extending from the surface of the cell.

  • rhizopod 3 facts

    Protozoa characterized by a pseudopod.

  • sarcodinian 1 facts

    Protozoa that move and capture food by forming pseudopods.

  • plantlike flagellate 0 facts

    Unicellular organisms having many characteristics of typical algae.

  • cytostome 0 facts

    Mouth of a protozoan.

  • arcella 0 facts

    An amoeba-like protozoan with a chitinous shell resembling an umbrella.

  • difflugia 0 facts

    A protozoan with an ovoid shell of cemented sand grains.

  • euglena 0 facts

    Minute single-celled green freshwater organism having a single flagella; often classed as...