Volume Unit

Of unit and volume.   May also be referred to as capacity measure, capacity unit, cubage unit, cubature unit, cubic content unit, cubic measure and displacement unit.

A unit of measurement of volume or capacity.

This concept's ID is @1~68165


  • metric capacity unit 9 facts

    A capacity unit defined in metric terms.

  • liquid unit 6 facts

    A unit of capacity for liquids (for measuring the volumes of liquids or their conta...

  • dry unit 4 facts

    A unit of capacity for dry commodities (as fruit or grain).

  • homer 2 facts

    An ancient Hebrew unit of capacity equal to 10 baths or 10 ephahs.

  • fathom 0 facts

    (mining) a unit of volume (equal to 6 cubic feet) used in measuring bodies of ore.

  • cubic foot 0 facts

    The volume equal to a cube one foot on each side.

  • cubic inch 0 facts

    The volume equal to a cube one inch on each side.

  • cord 0 facts

    A unit of amount of wood cut for burning; 128 cubic feet.

  • cran 0 facts

    A capacity unit used for measuring fresh herring.

  • field capacity 0 facts

    The maximum amount of water that a particular soil can hold.

  • last 0 facts

    A unit of capacity for grain equal to 80 bushels.

  • hin 0 facts

    Ancient Hebrew unit of liquid measure = 1.5 gallons.

  • acre inch 0 facts

    One twelfth of an acre-foot.

  • acre-foot 0 facts

    The volume of water that would cover 1 acre to a depth of 1 foot; 43,560 cubic feet or...

  • board foot 0 facts

    The volume of a piece of wood 1 foot square and 1 inch thick.

  • yard 0 facts

    A unit of volume (as for sand or gravel).

  • standard 0 facts

    A board measure = 1980 board feet.