
Of negotiable instrument.   May also be referred to as bill of exchange and order of payment.

A document ordering the payment of money; drawn by one person or bank on another.

This concept's ID is @1~67007


  • check 11 facts

    A written order directing a bank to pay money; "he paid all his bills by check".

  • foreign bill 0 facts

    A bill of exchange that is drawn in one country and made payable in another.

  • overdraft 0 facts

    A draft in excess of the credit balance.

  • redraft 0 facts

    A draft for the amount of a dishonored draft plus the costs and charges of drafting aga...

  • inland bill 0 facts

    A bill of exchange that is both drawn and made payable in the same country.

  • trade acceptance 0 facts

    A bill of exchange for a specific purchase; drawn on the buyer by the seller and...

  • time draft 0 facts

    A draft payable at a specified future date.

  • sight draft 0 facts

    A draft payable on presentation.

  • dividend warrant 0 facts

    An order of payment (such as a check payable to a shareholder) in which a dividend...

  • bank draft 0 facts

    A draft drawn by a bank against funds deposited in another bank.

  • money order 0 facts

    A written order for the payment of a sum to a named individual; obtainable and payable...

  • acceptance 0 facts

    Banking: a time draft drawn on and accepted by a bank.