
Of cost.   May also be referred to as price and terms.

The amount of money needed to purchase something; "the price of gasoline"; "he got his new car on excellent terms"; "how much is the damage?".

This concept's ID is @1~66583

Stock Exchange

  • bid price 0 facts

    (stock market) the price at which a broker is willing to buy a certain security.

  • closing price 0 facts

    (stock market) the price of the last transaction completed during a day's trading...

  • support level 0 facts

    (stock market) the price at which a certain security becomes attractive to invest...

Also contains

  • asking price 3 facts

    The price at which something is offered for sale.

  • highway robbery 0 facts

    An exorbitant price; "what they are asking for gas these days is highway robber...

  • spot price 0 facts

    The current delivery price of a commodity traded in the spot market.

  • purchase price 0 facts

    The price at which something is actually purchased.

  • valuation 0 facts

    Assessed price; "the valuation of this property is much too high".

  • factory price 0 facts

    Price charged for goods picked up at the factory.