Club Moss

Of Lycopsida and fern ally.   May also be referred to as club-moss and lycopod.

Primitive evergreen moss-like plant with spores in club-shaped strobiles.

This concept's ID is @1~66117


  • spikemoss 5 facts

    Any of numerous fern allies of the genus Selaginella.

  • ground pine 4 facts

    Any of several club mosses having long creeping stems and erect branches.

  • cone 3 facts

    Cone-shaped mass of ovule- or spore-bearing scales or bracts.

  • shining clubmoss 0 facts

    A variety of club moss.

  • fir clubmoss 0 facts

    Of northern Europe and America; resembling a miniature fir.

  • alpine clubmoss 0 facts

    A variety of club moss.