
Of vascular plant.

A plant with a weak stem that derives support from climbing, twining, or creeping along a surface.

This concept's ID is @1~65553


  • vetchling 4 facts

    Any of various small plants of the genus Lathyrus; climb usually by means of tendrils.

  • everlasting pea 2 facts

    Any of several perennial vines of the genus Lathyrus.

  • sweet pea 0 facts

    Climbing garden plant having fragrant pastel-colored flowers.

  • heath pea 0 facts

    European herb bearing small tubers used for food and in Scotland to flavor whiskey.


  • kiwi 1 facts

    Climbing vine native to China; cultivated in New Zealand for its fuzzy edible fruit with green...

  • bower actinidia 0 facts

    Climbing Asiatic vine having long finely serrate leaves and racemes of white flowers...

  • silvervine 0 facts

    Ornamental vine of eastern Asia having yellow edible fruit and leaves with silver-white...


  • yam 5 facts

    Any of a number of tropical vines of the genus Dioscorea many having edible tuberous roots.

  • elephant's-foot 1 facts

    South African vine having a massive rootstock covered with deeply fissured bark.

  • wild yam 0 facts

    Having a rhizome formerly dried and used to treat rheumatism or liver disorders.


  • jack bean 0 facts

    Annual semi-erect bushy plant of tropical South America bearing long pods with white seeds...

  • sword bean 0 facts

    Twining tropical Old World plant bearing long pods usually with red or brown beans; long...


  • sarsaparilla 2 facts

    Any of various prickly climbing plants of the tropical American genus Smilax having...

  • briar 0 facts

    A very prickly woody vine of the eastern United States growing in tangled masses having tough...


  • salsilla 0 facts

    Tropical vine having pink-and-yellow flowers spotted purple and edible roots sometimes...

  • salsilla 0 facts

    Tropical vine having umbels of small purple flowers and edible roots sometimes boiled as...

Also contains

  • clematis 11 facts

    Any of various ornamental climbing plants of the genus Clematis usually having showy f...

  • passionflower 9 facts

    Any of various chiefly tropical American vines some bearing edible fruit.

  • gourd 6 facts

    Any vine of the family Cucurbitaceae that bears fruits with hard rinds.

  • squash 4 facts

    Any of numerous annual trailing plants of the genus Cucurbita grown for their fleshy edible...

  • hop 3 facts

    Twining perennials having cordate leaves and flowers arranged in conelike spikes; the dried...

  • luffa 3 facts

    Any of several tropical annual climbers having large yellow flowers and edible young fruits;...

  • coral pea 2 facts

    Any of various Australian climbing plants of the genus Kennedia having scarlet flower...

  • bryony 2 facts

    A vine of the genus Bryonia having large leaves and small flowers and yielding acrid juice...

  • moonseed 2 facts

    Plant of the family Menispermaceae having red or black fruit with crescent- or ring-shaped...

  • birthwort 2 facts

    Creeping plant having curving flowers thought to resemble fetuses; native to Europe; naturalized...

  • bougainvillea 1 facts

    Any of several South American ornamental woody vines of the genus Bougainvillea having...

  • calabar-bean vine 1 facts

    Tropical African woody vine yielding calabar beans.

  • allamanda 1 facts

    A plant of the genus Allamanda having large showy funnel-shaped flowers in terminal c...

  • Barbados gooseberry 1 facts

    West Indian woody climber with spiny stems and numerous fragrant white flowers...

  • groundnut 1 facts

    A North American vine with fragrant blossoms and edible tubers; important food crop of...

  • hyacinth bean 0 facts

    Perennial twining vine of Old World tropics having trifoliate leaves and racemes of...

  • semi-climber 0 facts

    A plant that tends to climb and on occasion can grow like a vine.

  • butterfly pea 0 facts

    Large-flowered weakly twining or prostrate vine of New Jersey to tropical eastern...

  • climbing hempweed 0 facts

    Herb of tropical America having vanilla-scented flowers; climbs up trees.

  • yellow jasmine 0 facts

    Poisonous woody evergreen vine of southeastern United States having fragrant yellow...

  • butterfly pea 0 facts

    Large-flowered wild twining vine of southeastern and central United States having...

  • butterfly pea 0 facts

    Vine of tropical Asia having pinnate leaves and bright blue flowers with yellow c...

  • black bryony 0 facts

    Common European twining vine with tuberous roots and cordate leaves and red berrie...

  • smilax 0 facts

    Fragile twining plant of South Africa with bright green flattened stems and glossy foliage...

  • derris root 0 facts

    Woody vine having bright green leaves and racemes of rose-tinted white flowers; the...

  • climbing corydalis 0 facts

    Annual vine with decompound leaves and racemes of yellow and pink flowers.

  • Nepal trumpet flower 0 facts

    Evergreen woody twiner with large glossy leaves and showy corymbs of fragrant...

  • Australian pea 0 facts

    South African evergreen partly woody vine grown for its clusters of rosy purple flowers...

  • ivy 0 facts

    Old World vine with lobed evergreen leaves and black berrylike fruits.

  • German ivy 0 facts

    South African succulent evergreen twining climber with yellow flowers grown primarily...

  • hog peanut 0 facts

    Vine widely distributed in eastern North America producing racemes of purple to maroon...

  • climbing fumitory 0 facts

    Vine with feathery leaves and white or pinkish flowers; sometimes placed in genus...

  • star jasmine 0 facts

    Evergreen Chinese woody climber with shiny dark green leaves and intensely fragrant...

  • Western Australia coral pea 0 facts

    Vigorous climber of the forests of western Australia; grown for their...

This concept has too many facts and some have been omitted from this Knowledge Card view.